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Survey Suggests 34 Percent of Men Are More Excited at Prospect of Having an Affair Than Watching the FIFA World Cup

Sexy Soccer

You might remember Victoria Milan from our report on the sexiest male sports according to women. Well, the morally deplorable site for coupled people looking to have an affair is back with another sexy sports survey. This time, they asked users of the website about mistresses and the World Cup.

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The survey found that 34 percent of men are more excited at the prospect of having an affair than watching the FIFA World Cup. Of the men who will be watching the game, 85 percent said they'll be seeing their mistresses after their team loses.

Happily monogamous couples need not fear, however. Remember, Victoria Milan is a website for people who are already cheating on their spouses, so this was a survey of men who are already having an affair. The World Cup might be an emotional roller-coaster, but it's not going to drive an honest spouse to cheat... we think.

[via Victoria Milan press release]

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