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NBA All-Stars fire back at Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show

NBA All-Star Weekend brings virtually every prominent member of the league to New York, and that means a publicity tour for the game's best players. On Wednesday, Jimmy Fallon of The Tonight Show lit up a selection of All-Stars by handing out hilarious superlatives based on their headshots.

As usual, Fallon slayed the room with his musings. But of course, those same NBA stars could not go quietly into the night.

On Thursday, they appeared one-by-one to take shots at Fallon and his staff.

The "finishing blow" comes from the always entertaining Chris Bosh, who pokes fun at Fallon's inability to control his laughter, but each of the NBA players featured did their part. Their comfort level certainly seems to range from "mildly terrified" to "right at home," but it is never a bad thing for the league when a sextet of players makes an appearance on a late-night show.