How to Get the Godzilla Medallion & Become the Monster


Players have been waiting for Godzilla to dive into Fortnite since its reveal in the Chapter 6 Battle Pass. There are dozens of crossovers every single year, but the thunderous introduction of a giant lizard is taking things to a different level.

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As Godzilla stomps around the Island, it's time to figure out how to defeat the legendary titan. Though Godzilla is a boss, you can also become the monster for a match of exhilarating destruction. If you manage to defeat another player who has transformed into the Japanese creature, then you'll even earn a special medallion to prove your combat prowess.

How to Become Godzilla

Transforming into Godzilla isn't especially difficult. However, you'll need some luck on your side if you want to gain the abilities of this monstrous beast. Blue and purple portals can spawn throughout the Chapter 6 Island, so make sure to hop into one if you see it in your travels.

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Entering a portal will allow you to come out the other side as Godzilla, completing your transformation almost instantly. Your skill-kit will include a heat ray, a stomp, and even a mighty roar that allows you to detect enemy players.

According to HYPEX on X, Godzilla portals only have a 20% chance of spawning in each match of Battle Royale, so you may have to play dozens of matches before you can transform into the mythical monster.

How to Get the Godzilla Medallion

Godzilla Destroying Structures in Fortnite

Unfortunately, getting the Godzilla Medallion isn't an easy quest. You'll have to slay the fan-favorite lizard if you want to get your hands on the shiny item. Damaging Godzilla will be difficult at first, but eventually you'll notice spots that glow bright on its skin, which is where you should shoot to deal extra damage.

Fragments will even fall from the beast if you hit the glowing spots, so make sure to pick them up to gain three dashes and heal for 40 HP. Once Godzilla drops to the ground, a medallion will be rewarded to the combatant who dealt the most significant amount of damage to the boss.

Since there will likely be other players fighting Godzilla alongside you, it's nearly as difficult to get the Godzilla Medallion as it is to become the creature. Holding the medallion lets you use a dash ability, so this item is perfect if you like using melee weapons like the Typhoon Blade.

NEXT: Fortnite: Everything You Need to Know about the Godzilla Crossover - Release Date, Battle Pass Skin, & More

Michael Caruso

Michael Caruso is a journalist of five years who works to share his passion for gaming with the world. Throughout his career, Michael has written for various video game and news publications, focusing his writing on entertainment and the well-being of the environment. When Michael isn't writing, he can be found playing his guitar or immersed in a virtual world.