League of Legends 25.S1.3 Patch Notes: Jungler Nerfs, Atakhan, Streamer Mode and More

League of Legends' newest Season 25 patch is finally here. This update will stop Wukong, Skarner and Viego from terrorizing the jungle, revitalize the Domination rune tree, and continue the ongoing Atakhan adjustment adventures by nerfing his Voracious form again. In addition, Swiftplay is receiving some updates and new Dumpling Darlings skins are coming to the in-game shop.
Related Article: League of Legends 2025 Patch Schedule
New Streamer Mode
A new streamer mode feature will make it easier than ever to broadcast your games to an audience without worrying about viewers stream sniping you or seeing the enemy Yasuo's questionable gamertag. Streamer Mode can be turned on in the client's Interface settings and replaces all usernames with Champion names.
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Major Systems Changes
Attack Speed Cap
The baseline Attack Speed cap is rising from 2.5 to 3. This decision aims to keep Attack Speed increases consistent with rises in damage totals and health.
Champion Bounties
Patch 25.S1.3 strives "to further reduce the number of times one lone champion has a bounty, trying to prop their team up like Atlas with Earth" with Champion Bounty changes.
Passive Bounty Suppression
- Lead required to begin positive bounty suppression has been decreased by 60%.
- Lead required to fully remove bounties from the losing team decreased by 33%.
- Once Objective Bounties spawn, Champion Bounties are now fully suppressed for the losing team.
Chemtech Soul
If your team is going to slay a monster, they'd better get some worthwhile buffs out of it. Patch 25.S1.3 will buff the Chemtech Soul so players can feel as fierce as a dragon in their ensuing fights.
- Below 50% Health Buff: 11% increased damage and damage reduction > 13% increased damage and damage reduction
Cloud Soul
The Cloud Soul had players on cloud 9 last patch with extremely strong effectiveness in higher-elo play. The League of Legends team is now bringing players back to earth with nerfs to Cloud Soul's passive movement speed gain.
- Movement Speed Gain: 20% > 15%
Void Grubs
There's an infestation of Void Grubs messing up the Rift's win rates, so developers are "nerfing their buff damage along with ensuring they correctly update their health and attack damage on spawn."
- "On initial spawn, health and attack damage update immediately instead of at 6:04."
- Buff Structure Damage per Stack: 8/4 every 1s for 4s > 6/3 every 1s for 4s
After Atakhan's significant Voracious Form nerfs in 25.S1.2, the Riot Games team made a surprising discovery: "Voracious Atakhan's winrate impact actually managed to go up over the last patch, despite the nerfs, so we’re adding a few more on, including increasing the time it takes for players to get back onto the map when their False Life withdrawal triggers."
- Extra gold per takedown: 40g > 25g
- Withdrawal now fully heals you as opposed to only fully healing your base health
- False Life Withdrawal Stasis Duration: 5.5s > 15s
Related Article: Who is Atakhan? Meet League of Legends' New Jungle Boss
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Champion Changes
Champion Buffs
Plenty of Champion buffs are arriving in Patch 25.S1.3. Evelynn, who was already buffed alongside other assassins in previous patches, will receive a further tune-up to improve her kit. Kayn will also benefit from the patch's changes, though only in his Shadow Assassin form. Swain buffs will patch up the damage from his previous nerf and encourage AP builds.
- Whiplash (E): Basic Damage 55/70/85/100/115 (+3% (+1.5% AP) target max HP) > 60/90/120/150/180 (+3% (+1.5% per 100 AP) target max HP); Empowered Damage 75/100/125/150/175 (+4% (+2.5% AP) target max HP) > 80/120/160/200/240 (+4% (+2.5% per 100 AP) target max HP)
- Base Stats: Health Growth 100 > 103; Mana Regen: 7.6 > 8.2
- Grandmaster-At-Arms (R): 3-hit damage 70/120/170 (+60% AP) > 75/130/185 (+60% AP)
- Reaping Slash (Q): Damage 75/95/115/135/155 (+85% Bonus AD) > 75/100/125/150/175 (+85% Bonus AD)
- Soul Eater (Passive): Life Steal 9/15/21% (based on level) >12/18/24% (based on level)
- Heightened Senses (W): Attack Speed 28/36/44/52/60% > 28/41/54/67/80%
- Grand Entrance (W): Cooldown 16/14.5/13/11.5/10 > 14/13/12/11/10
- Wild Rush (E): Attack Speed Duration 3 seconds > 5 seconds
- Ravenous Flock (Passive: Max Health per Soul Fragment 12 > 15
- Nevermore (E): Damage 80/120/160/200/240 (+60% AP) > 80/120/160/200/240 (+70% AP)
- Base Stats: Health 600 > 620
- Flay (E): Basic Attack Damage 1.5 per Soul (+ up to 80/110/140/170/200%) > 1.7 per Soul (+ up to 90/120/150/180/210% total AD)
Champion Nerfs
Patch 25.S1.3's nerfs mainly target the game's most effective junglers. Skarner, Wukong and Viego will all be hit with significant nerfs to ease their dominance on the current pro play meta. In addition, Cassiopeia nerfs will tone down her late-game damage and severe Jayce nerfs will encourage more AD builds.
- Noxious Blast (Q): Damage 75/110/145/180/215 (+70% AP) > 75/110/145/180/215 (+65% AP)
- Miasma (W): Damage per second 20/25/30/35/40 (+15% AP) > 20/25/30/35/40 (+10 AP)
- Base Health 632 > 600
- To The Skies! (Q): Damage 60/110/160/210/260/310 (+120% bonus AD) > 60/105/150/195/240/285 (+135% bonus AD)
- Shock Blast (Q): Damage 60/115/170/225/280/335 (+125% bonus AD) > 60/110/160/210/260/310 (+140% bonus AD)
Lightning Field (W): 40/55/70/85/100/115 (+25% AP) > 35/50/65/80/95/110 (+25% AP)- Transform Mercury Hammer (R): Empowered Basic Attack Damage 25/65/105/145 (based on level) (+25% bonus AD) > 25/60/100/130 (based on level) (+30% bonus AD)
Miss Fortune
- Base Stats: Armor 28 > 25; Armor Growth 4.2 > 4
- Base Stats: Health 640 > 620; Armor Growth 4.3 > 4
- Base Stats: Armor Growth 4.8 > 4.5
- Ixtal's Impact (E): Stun duration 1.5 seconds > 1 second
- Toxic Shot (E): On-hit Damage 14/27/40/53/66 (+30% AP) > 9/23/37/51/65 (+30% AP)
- Base Stats: Attack Damage 60 > 57
- Decoy (W): Cooldown 18/17/16/15/14 > 20/19/18/17/16
- Nimbus Strike (E): Attack Speed 40/45/50/55/60% > 35/40/45/50/55%
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Item and System Changes
Item and Rune Buffs
Buffs to Dark Harvest and Electrocute will heavily improve their damage and encourage assassins to return to the Domination rune tree. Meanwhile, Hail of Blades will also show a slight improvement.
Dark Harvest
- Damage: 20 (+9 per soul) > 30 (+11 per soul) (ratio unchanged)
- Damage: 50-190 (based on level) > 70-240 (based on level) (ratio unchanged)
Hail of Blades
- Melee Attack Speed: 110% > 140%
- Cooldown: 12 seconds > 10 seconds
Item and Rune Nerfs
Bloodsong and Zaz'Zak's Realmspike nerfs will indirectly nerf damage-focused supports (mainly Poppy and Rell who have been overperforming) and encourage use with tank and enchanter Champions.
- Expose Weakness: Increased Damage Taken 10% Melee | 5% Ranged > 8% Melee | 5% Ranged
- Duration: 6 seconds > 4 seconds
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
- AP Ratio: 20% > 15%
Swiftplay Updates
A slew of Swiftplay updates will arrive in Patch 25.S1.3 that fundamentally change pacing and in-game systems. In addition, plenty of Champions and items will be adjusted. Here's a quick summary of the changes:
- Buffs: Fiddlesticks, Ivern, Nidalee, Zoe
- Nerfs: Yorick
Items, Spells and Systems
- Teleport: Upgrade time 10 > 8 minutes
- Gathering Storm: Stat update 10 > 7 minutes
- Symbiotic Soles: Distance Required 150,000 units >120,000 units
- Tear of the Goddess, Manamune, Archangel's Staff and Winter's Embrace: Mana per charge 4.5 > 6.5
- Yun Tal Wildarrows: crit per attack 2% > 5%, stacks max 125 > 50
- Minion Scaling: Every 90 seconds > Every 60 seconds
- Melee Minion AD per upgrade: Reduced to match Classic
- Ranged Minion AD per upgrade: Reduced to match Classic
Sudden Death
- At 25:00 turrets begin to lose 35% of their current Armor/Magic Resist every minute. This stacks and applies to all turrets.
- At 27:00 the “3 minutes until Sudden Death!” announcement will happen.
- At 30:00 every targetable structure loses 3.3% of max HP every 2 seconds. The “Sudden Death has started!” announcement will happen.
- Without player interaction, at 36:00 the game will end via the Nexus burning down.
Epic Monsters
- Dragon Respawn Timer: 4:30 > 5:00
- Rift Herald Spawn Time: 10:00 > 11:30
- Fixed an issue where Swiftplay’s damage increase for Rift Herald wasn’t applied if a champion went into it.
- Charge Initial Base Damage: 1875 > 2250
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Mythic Shop Items
New items will cycle into the in-game Mythic Shop with this patch, including:
- Prestige Mythmaker Cassiopeia
- Prestige Lunar Beast Fiora
- Prestige Porcelain Lux
- Prestige Porcelain Kindred
- Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan
- Dreadnova Darius
- Lancer Zero Hecarim
- Hextech Jarvan IV
- Hextech Rammus
- Lunar Beast Fiora (Vitality)
- Firecracker Diana (Golden Tiger)
- Firecracker Sett (Golden Tiger)
- Firecracker Teemo (Golden Tiger)
- Firecracker Tristana (Golden Tiger)
- Firecracker Xin Zhao (Golden Tiger)
- Porcelain Amumu (Golden Tiger)
- Porcelain Kindred (Golden Tiger)
- Porcelain Lux (Golden Tiger)
- Porcelain Protector Ezreal (Golden Tiger)
- 2022 Firecracker Ward
- Mythmaker Bunny Icon
- Mythmaker Rabbit Icon
- Heavenscale Ward
New Skins and Chromas
Syndra and Amumu will receive new skins in this patch. The Dumpling Darlings set will reimagine Amumu by turning his head into a steamer pot with a dumpling inside. Meanwhile, Syndra will dress up in a festive Chinese New Year outfit, and her terrifying Dark Spheres will become slightly less menacing (and more delicious) dumplings. The Dumpling Darling skins will enter the shop on February 5, 2025.
For a complete list of Patch 25.S1.3 changes including detailed Swiftplay Champion changes, ARAM changes and bug fixes, check the official Riot Games Patch Notes here.