The Aurora Fix — League of Legends Patch 14.18 Preview

As Worlds approaches, Riot Games is busy cooking up the latest League of Legends patch. Here's everything we know about Patch 14.18's Champion, item, system and mechanic changes!
Aurora changes, Fleet Footwork nerfs and turret alterations are shaking up pro play in Patch 14.18.
Aurora changes, Fleet Footwork nerfs and turret alterations are shaking up pro play in Patch 14.18. / Riot Games

League of Legends fans are looking forward to the most exciting time of the year: the 2024 League of Legends World Championship begins on September 25, 2024, and will continue until November 2nd. Riot Games is rolling out one final patch for the event, and League of Legends Lead Gameplay Designer @RiotPhroxzon has blessed us with a delightful patch preview. League of Legends Patch 14.18 will resolve issues with Aurora, change early game interaction pacing, adjust the AD ecosystem and balance AP items. Let's explore the summarized patch notes!

When will League of Legends Patch 14.18 arrive?

League of Legends Patch 14.18 will be released on September 11, 2024. This means the patch will arrive a week before Worlds 2024 gameplay begins. The exact patch arrival time will depend on players' server regions. We don't know exactly when Patch 14.18 will go live yet, but League of Legends patches usually occur overnight on each server when there is the lowest affected player count.

Previously, League of Legends Patch 14.17 went live at these times:

  • PT: between 11:30 AM–1:00 PM
  • EST: between 2:30 PM-4:00 PM
  • CT: between 1:30 PM-3:00 PM
  • CET: between 8:30 PM-100:00 PM

How will Patch 14.18 affect the League of Legends meta?

League of Legends Patch 14.18 will reintroduce less-played Champions into the meta, improve early-game pacing, adjust ADC survivability, improve alternatives to Liandry's Torment and indirectly nerf champions dependent on Fleet Footwork. Severe Aurora nerfs will make it harder for pro and elite players to abuse her R jump. The development team is aiming to bring Jinx and Ahri back into the meta while shaking up mid-lane picks by nerfing ADCs like Smolder, Zeri and Corki.

Buffs to mage burst items like Stormsurge will improve Mage proc performance and compete with Liandry's Torment. ADC range Champions will face indirect nerfs from altered items Bloodthirster and Shieldbow. Turret plating changes will encourage early-game interaction when previous early games had, per @RiotPhroxzon, "gotten to the point where teams are willing to go down 3-4 plates to avoid certain matchups which results in low interaction states. "

What Champions are being buffed in League of Legends Patch 14.18?

Risen Legend Ahri skin
Ahri and Xin Zhao mains will enjoy significant buffs in Patch 14.18. / Riot Games

Ahri, Hwei, Jayce, Lulu, Samira, Shen, Viego and Xin Zhao receive the most significant buffs in this patch while Gnar, Jarvan IV and Malphite also get some attention. Jayce will also see improvements to his kit, but the League of Legends developers have not yet specified what exact changes will occur.

Patch 14.18 Champion Buffs:

  • Ahri: E damage 80-200 + 60% AP > 80-240 + 70% AP
  • Gnar: +3 AD
  • Hwei: Shield strength for allies 50% > 75%
  • Jarvan IV: P damage 7% > 8%
  • Jax: Unknown
  • Jayce: Melee Q slow 30-55% > 35-60%, ranged E haste 30-55% > 35-60%
  • Jinx: AS growth 1 > 1.4
  • Lulu: P damage/bolt 3-37 > 5-39
  • Malphite: P shield 9% max HP > 10% max HP
  • Samira: New Q damage 0/5/10/15/20 (+95/102.5/110/117.5/125% AD)
  • Shen: P shield 47-101+ 12% bonus HP > 47-120 + 13% bonus HP
  • Viego: Base AD 57 > 60, Q bonus monster damage 20 > 15
  • Xin Zhao: Armor growth 4.7 > 5.0, Q bonus damage/hit 16-52 > 16-68, maximum bonus damage 48-156 > 48-204

What Champions are being nerfed in League of Legends Patch 14.18?

Aurora splash art
Aurora is being severely nerfed in League of Legends Patch 14.18. /

Aurora, Azir, Nasus, Rumble, Zeri and Ziggs are several Champions receiving severe nerfs in this patch, which will nerf a staggering 17 Champions total. Aurora's massive nerfs are a primary focus in Patch 14.18 since the League of Legends team aims to enable Aurora in Worlds 2024 matches. The team is making Aurora harder for Pro and Elite players to utilize, pushing players to experiment with her W ability and eliminating the option to jump most large walls.

Phroxzon states "Players will need to be much more selective about their engages now and her ult will lock down champions for less time" and warns that Fleet Footwork nerfs will indirectly affect Aurora's gameplay. Direct nerfs to Ziggs will lessen his AD mid impact and Rumble nerfs will allow top lane experimentation — and surprise, surprise, Smolder is being nerfed again!

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Patch 14.18 Champion Nerfs:

  • Aurora: R jump max distance 450 > 250, wall jump forgiveness 700 > 450, R duration 3/3.5/4 > 2/2.5/3
  • Azir: R damage: 200/400/600 + 75% AP > 175/325/475 + 60% AP
  • Corki: Q damage 70-270 > 70-250
  • Ivern: E shield 85-245 > 75-235, E slow 45-65% > 40-60%
  • Leona: Armor 47 > 43
  • Lillia: P monster cap 70-100 > 65, R sleep duration 2.0/2.25/2.5 > 2
  • Lissandra: Q AP ratio: 85% > 75%
  • Maokai: E cooldown 16-12 > 18-14, E brush duration 30 + 2.5% bonus HP > 30 + 1.5% bonus HP
  • Miss Fortune: AD 55 > 53
  • Nasus: E initial damage 55-215 > 50-170, E DPS 11-43 > 10-34, E maximum damage 110-430 > 100-340
  • Rell: Initial E move speed: 9-15% > 9-12%, Maximum E move speed 24-40% > 24-32%
  • Rumble: New stats Q damage 60-180 + 100% AP + 6-10% max HP, E damage 50-150 + 50% AP
  • Smolder: Q damage 20-60 + 100% total AD + 15% AP > 15-55 + 100% total AD, W glob damage 50-170 > 45-165
  • Varus: Q AD ratio 150-190% > 130-170%, E AD ratio 110% > 100%
  • Vi: Q minimum damage 50-150 > 45-145, Q maximum damage 100-300 > 90-290
  • Zeri: New stats P damage 75-160 + 1-11% target max HP, Damage scaling is Linear, Level 6 110 + 3.9%, Level 11 125 + 6.9%, Level 16 150 + 9.8%
  • Ziggs: P structure mod 250% > 175%, 50-400 + 125% AP > 35-280 + 87.5% AP

What Items and Systems are changing in League of Legends Patch 14.18?

Fleet Footwork nerfs are a highlight of this patch and will indirectly affect Aurora, Azir and many other Champions. Bloodthirster and Shieldbow are also facing nerfs to lessen ranged ADC survivability. In addition, Riot Games is stepping up the competition by making different mage burst items like Stormsurge stronger alternatives to Liandry's Torment. Turret fortification changes will encourage early-game interaction and make Worlds 2024 pacing more exciting for viewers.

Patch 14.18 Item and System Adjustments:

  • Luden's Companion: Ap 95 > 100, Price 2,900 > 2,850, Haste 25 > 20
  • Shadowflame: AP 120 > 115, Magic Pen 12 > 15, Cinderbloom Threshold 35% > 40%, Cinderbloom DoT amp 30% > 25%
  • Stormsurge: Magic pen 10 > 15, Move Speed 8% > 5%, Stormraider Threshold 35% > 25%, Squall ranged effectiveness 90% > 100%
  • Turret Bulwark: Permanent resists/destroyed plate 40 > 50
  • Turret Fortification: Damage reduction for first 5 minutes 75% > 85%
  • Fleet Footwork: New stats Melee Champ heal 10-130, Melee Minion heal mod 15%, Melee move speed 20%, Ranged Champ heal 6-78, Ranged Minion heal mod 15%, Ranged move speed 15%
  • Bloodthirster: Life Steal 18% > 15%, Shield 50-400 (1-18) > 165-315 (8-18), Level 8 shield 194 > 165
  • Shieldbow (Immortal): Ranged shield 320-720 > 320-560, melee shield 320-720 > 400-700

Gabby DeSena