Dealing With Skarner, Atakhan — League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Full Preview

The Riot Games team has been hard at work with recent Vanguard anti-cheat updates and Mel hotfixes in League of Legends. Now, the title's Head Gameplay Designer Matt '@RiotPhroxzon' Leung-Harrison has released a full preview for its upcoming 25.S1.3 Patch. The post's juicy details reveal further assassin buffs, several significant Jungle nerfs, additional Atakhan fine-tuning and more. Let's explore everything we know about Patch 25.S1.3, including its release date.
When Will League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Release?
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 will release on February 5 2025. This date is based on Riot Games' primary Pacific Timezone and may vary slightly depending on the player's location. Check the related article below for a full list of League of Legends Patch release dates in 2025.
Related Article: League of Legends 2025 Patch Schedule
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 Champion Changes
Patch S25.1.3 carries on S25.1.2's mission of buffing assassins. Evelynn and Kayn in particular will receive further power-ups to their kit. Meanwhile, several high-performing Jungle Champions including Skarner, Viego and Wukong will be nerfed to encourage more balanced Pro play and a wider competitive Champion pool. Jayce nerfs are also intended to target his tankier builds.
Champion Buffs
- E base damage: 55-115 + 3%hp > 60-180 + 3%hp
- Empowered base damage: 75-175 + 4%hp > 80-240 + 4%hp
- Mana Regen: 7.6 > 8.2
- Health per level: 100 > 103
- R 3-hit damage: 70-170 > 75-185
- (Shadow Assassin) Q base damage: 75-155 > 75 > 175
- P life steal: 9-21% > 12-24%
- W attack speed: 28-60% > 28-80%
- W cooldown: 16-10 > 14-10
- E attack speed duration: 3s > 5s
- P max HP/stack: 12 > 15
- E AP ratio: 60% > 70%
- Armor: 33 > 35
- Q Damage: 100-300 (+90% AP) > 100-320 (+100% AP)
Champion Nerfs
Q AP ratio: 70% > 65%- W AP ratio per sec: 15% > 10%
- Health: 632 > 600
- rQ Damage: 60-335 (+125% BAD) > 60-310 (+140% BAD)
- mQ Damage: 60-310 (+120% bAD) > 60-285 (+135% BAD)
- mW Damage per tick: 40-115 > 35-110
- mR Damage 25-145 (+25% bAD) > 25-130 (+30% bAD)
Miss Fortune
- Armor: 28 + 4.2 > 25 + 4.0
- Armor by level: 28-99 > 25-93
- Base health: 640 > 620
- Armor growth: 4.3 > 4.0
- Armor Per Level: 4.8 > 4.5
- E Stun Duration: 1.5s > 1.1s
- E On Hit Damage: 14 - 66 > 9 - 65
- Attack Damage: 60 > 57
- Unknown W cooldown and E Attack Speed Changes
League of Legends Patch 25.S1.3 System Changes
Related Article: Who is Atakhan? Meet League of Legends' New Jungle Boss
Following Patch S25.1.2, Riot Games realized Assassins needed further strengthening to perform correctly after Eyeball Collector's removal. This means Domination keystones will be buffed to indirectly affect the necessary Champions. In addition, Atakhan's Voracious form, which spawns in games with fewer deaths, will be nerfed.
Item and System Buffs
Attack Speed Cap
- Champion attack speed cap: 2.5/s > 3.0/s
Chemtech Soul
- Below 50% Health Buff: 11% increased damage and DR > 13% increased damage and DR
- Base damage: 50-190 > 70-240
Dark Harvest
- Base damage: 20 > 30
- Damage per soul: 9 > 11
Hail of Blades
- Melee attack speed: 110% > 140%
- Cooldown: 12 > 10
Item and System Nerfs
- Increased Damage (Melee): 10% > 8%
- Duration: 6s > 4s
Cloud Soul
- MS Increase: 20% > 15%
Voracious Atakhan
- Stasis Duration Increased
Void Grubs
- Structure Damage per Stack: 8/4 every 1s for 4s > 6/3 every 1s for 4s
- On spawn, stats for 6 minutes update immediately instead of at ~6:04
Zaz'Zak's Realmspike
- Cooldown: 10 > 11
- Base Damage 10 > 5
- A > B
Item and System Adjustments
Champion Bounties
- Required lead for champion bounty devaluation reduced by 60%
- Losing team bounties fully turn off 50% sooner
- When Objective Bounties spawn, champion bounties are fully suppressed for the losing team
Swiftplay Changes
League of Legends developers previously stated their intention to have a dedicated team focusing on Swiftplay dynamics and separately balance the mode to encourage creative and casual play. In Patch 25.S1.3, Swiftplay will face pacing adjustments and several Champions (Fiddlesticks, Nidalee, Ivern, Zoe and Yorick) will see significant changes.
Champion Buffs
- W Champion Healing: 25-55% > 35-65%
- E Slow: 30-50% > 40-60%
- Health Growth: 109 > 117
- MR Growth: 1.45 > 1.75
- Q Spear Minimum Damage: 70-150 (+ 50% AP) > 70-170 (+ 55% AP)
- E shield AP ratio: 50% > 60%
- E base damage: 70-150 > 70-190
- E Base Damage: 70-230 > 85-245
- Cooldown: 16-12 > 14-12
Champion Nerfs
- Summons Damage To Turrets Reduction (Small Ghoul + Maiden): 50% > 70%
Swiftplay Systems Changes
Game Pacing
- Minions upgrade every: 90s > 60s
- Melee/ranged minion AD growth now matches Classic SR
- Dragon respawn timer: 4:30 > 5:00
- Rift Herald spawn timer: 10:00 > 11:30
- Sudden death now exists
- At 25m, structures lose 35% of their resists/min
- At 30m, targetable structures lose 3.3% max HP/sec
- Champion attack speed cap: 2.5/s > 10.0/s
It's important to note that the information provided in this article is only a Patch Preview, so specific adjustments are subject to change until the Patch officially goes live.