Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Super Hero DLC features 11 New Fighters

Bandai Namco

Dragon Ball: Sparking Zero! launched back in October, and after a few months of non stop anime brawling with the game's massive roster, things are about to be shaken up. We knew already that the first Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero DLC would be based on 2022's Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero film. It was confirmed that Gamma 1 and Gamma 2 would be included, but now Bandai Namco has confirmed who else will be joining the fray.

Unsurprisingly, the majority of the pass is dedicated to Gohan and Piccolo, with each getting four new spots, including the new Beast Gohan and Orange Piccolo forms. And rounding out the pass is the film's big bad Cell Max – an ultimate lifeform built by the Red Ribbon Army and Dr. Gero's Grandson Dr. Hedo. Unfortunately, neither Hedo nor Red Ribbon Army boss Magenta has made it in, nor has the Dragon Ball Super version of Pan, who were all strong contenders for the pass.

Curiously, the trailer posted on Twitter and the trailer posted on YouTube both feature different images at the end, with the Twitter version showing Piccolo dressed as Nail as the bonus costume while the YouTube version shows Piccolo in a Red Ribbon Army disguise.

Bandai Namco is also adding a brand new trio of Custom Battles to the game, although these were not shown off in the trailer posted to twitter. There were shots of thumbnails with Piccolo, Future Trunks, and Dragon Ball Super Broly. Meanwhile, the YouTube version features Cell Max, Gohan and Goku facing off, and what looks to be the Gamma duo facing down all of the androids.

Finally, a brand new mode is being added to the game. Legendary Warrior Face-Off mode is a mode that lets you test your skill against a super-powered character, with Broly being first up to the plate. Bandai Namco announced the mode on Twitter but didn't go into much more detail other than saying 'We will conduct some tests'.

Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Hero of Justice DLC release date and time

The Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Hero of Justice DLC is set to release on January 23, 2025 at 6pm EST/3pm PST. Dragon Ball Sparking! Zero season pass owners will get access to the DLC three days earlier however, with it becoming available on January 20, 2025 at 6pm EST/3pm PST.

Everything included in the Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero Hero of Justice DLC

11 Playable Characters

  • Gamma 1
  • Gamma 2
  • Gohan (SH)
  • Super Saiyan 2 Gohan (SH)
  • Mystic Gohan (SH)
  • Gohan (SH) Beast Mode
  • Piccolo (SH)
  • Piccolo (SH) Power Awakening
  • Orange Piccolo
  • Giant Orange Piccolo
  • Cell Max

One costume

The trailers posted on Twitter and YouTube both feature different costumes, so it's unclear which of these is included.

  • Red Ribbon Army Piccolo (SH)
  • Nail Piccolo

Three Custom Battles

The next Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero is set to release in Q1 2025, so before the end of March we will see the next pack arrive. The second and third DLC packs included in the season pass will both be based on the currently ongoing Dragon Ball Daima series, with Vegeta's Mini form and Glorio confirmed for the first pack.
