Marvel Rivals - All Leaked Upcoming Heroes in Season 1

Image via Marvel

Marvel Rivals is almost a month deep into its first season of content, and with every new update that goes live it seems more upcoming heroes get leaked. 

Marvel Rivals Season 1: Eternal Night Falls is the first true season for the game, set to run for three months in two different parts. Each part will bring more heroes to the game’s roster, with some extra tidbits about unreleased characters hidden in the background for dataminers to eventually share. 

Every Leaked Marvel Rivals Hero in Season 1

Mister Fantastic Marvel Rivals
Screenshot via Marvel Rivals

With the start of Marvel Rivals Season 1: Eternal Night Falls even more new heroes were discovered in the game’s files with information about things like classes, abilities, and even Team-Ups with other characters. 

By the end of Season 1, Marvel Rivals will have 37 heroes fully playable, including all four members of the Fantastic Four. This is part of the developer’s plan to release new heroes twice per season moving forward, even if we don’t have a full roadmap. 

Related Article: Marvel Rivals Season 1 Battle Pass Guide - All Skins and Rewards

We have seen big leaks for heroes and other content dating back to the beta builds of Marvel Rivals, but now we have info on at least a dozen unreleased characters that might eventually join the roster. Here is a full list of those leaked heroes, placed in order of when dataminers found their information and featuring classes if that was included in the data. 

  • Blade
  • Ultron (Strategist)
  • Emma Frost (Vanguard)
  • Jean Grey/Phoenix (Duelist)
  • Deadpool
  • Hit Monkey
  • Captain Marvel
  • Angela
  • The Hood (Vanguard)
  • Valkyrie
  • Cyclops (Duelist)
  • Colossus (Vanguard)
  • Professor X (Strategist)
  • Jia Jing (Strategist)
  • Paste Pot Pete/Trapster (Duelist)
  • Locus (Strategist)
  • Beast 
  • Nightcrawler (Duelist)
  • Rogue (Strategist)
  • Gambit (Duelist)
  • Jubilee

When Will New Heroes Release in Marvel Rivals?

Marvel Rivals Fantastic Four
Screenshot via NetEase Games

At the start of the season on Jan. 10 Mister Fantastic and Invisible Woman were added to the game as playable heroes, and the rest of the Fantastic Four isn’t far behind. 

The Thing and Human Torch will be added to Marvel Rivals around six or seven weeks after the start of Season 1, according to the developers. That means they should be release around Feb. 21 or 28 based on that info for when part two of the season is likely to begin. 

Outside of that info, we only know that the Marvel Rivals team wants to release two heroes per season after Season 1 ends, which has been filled with double the normal content. If the Fantastic Four’s release cadence is anything to go by, that would point to one hero being released every six weeks to account for the season’s being split into two parts. 

Blade could very well be the next hero on the way based on the in-game lore, but that is the only hint we have at who might make an appearance. The heavy inclusion of X-Men characters and at least one map in the leaks also point to multiple mutant-themed seasons coming down the line. 

We will have to wait for more details from NetEase Games to know more since all of this information, outside of the Fantastic Four, is unconfirmed and based on data pulled from the game’s files. 

Additionally, while several members of the Marvel Rivals community have pointed out that these characters could be placed in the code as bait for dataminers to report and then nothing will ever come of that information, this is very unlikely. 

As multiple different dataminers have noted, the fact that many of these characters have details for their abilities and Team-Ups included in the data, along with some programmed events between characters and gameplay tags points to them being accurate. None of the leaked characters can be listed as “100% confirmations” since they haven’t been shown at all in an official capacity, but the data points to this being credible early looks at additions to the roster over the next few years of Marvel Rivals.
