McDonald’s Dragon Discovery Happy Meal Packs - All Pokemon TCG Cards and How to Get Them

Image via The Pokemon Company

It is finally time for Pokémon fans in the United States to enjoy this year’s Pokémon TCG collaboration with McDonald’s, Dragon Discovery. 

The Pokémon TCG Dragon Discovery promo will run at participating McDonald’s locations in the US, giving anyone who purchases a Happy Meal some Pokémon-themed goodies and a four-card Booster Pack exclusive to this activation. This is the only way you can collect some special holo Pokémon cards, and you have a limited amount of time to do so.

When Does the Pokémon TCG McDonald’s Dragon Discovery Promotion Start and End?

The Pokémon TCG McDonald’s Dragon Discovery collaboration has already gone live or ended in multiple other countries but, for the United States specifically, it will start on Jan. 21 and run until Feb. 24 at participating restaurants. 

During that timeframe, any customer who purchases a Happy Meal will get a collab-exclusive four-card Booster Pack with their food. Other items like Pokémon Sticker Activity Sheets will also be included.

Full Pokémon TCG McDonald’s Dragon Discovery Card List

McDonald’s Pokémon TCG promotion for 2024, which is now running in 2025 for the US, is themed around the Year of the Dragon from the Lunar New Year that ends on Feb. 10. That means a good chunk of the featured Pokémon are Dragon-type, like Koraidon, Miraidon, and the pack-feature Dragonite.

Each Happy Meal comes with a four-card Booster Pack and the total promo set features 15 cards, including seven confetti-style foil that is only used in McDonald’s collabs. When opening a pack you can expect to get three non-holo and one holo card.

Here is a full list of the 15 cards you can pull in the Pokémon TCG McDonald’s Dragon Discovery collab packs, with a note next to the cards featured as holofoils.

McDonald's 2024 Pokemon TCG Promo
Image via The Pokemon Company
  • Charizard
  • Pikachu (Holo)
  • Miraidon (Holo)
  • Jigglypuff
  • Hatenna
  • Dragapult
  • Quagsire
  • Koraidon (Holo)
  • Umbreon
  • Hydreigon (Holo)
  • Roaring Moon (Holo)
  • Dragonite (Holo)
  • Rayquaza
  • Drampa (Holo)
  • Eevee

It is important to note that, outside of the McDonald’s branding and special confetti foil, all of these cards are reprints from existing, older Pokémon TCG products. 

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How to Get Pokémon TCG McDonald’s Dragon Discovery Packs

Just like with the previous McDonald’s Pokémon TCG collaborations, the Dragon Discovery promo packs will only be available via the purchase of a Happy Meal at participating McDonald’s. 

  • Find a participating McDonald’s location that has Pokémon TCG Dragon Discovery packs.
  • Purchase a Happy Meal with your order.
  • The Happy Meal will include a four-card pack with three non-holo and one holo card.

Depending on how popular these promotions get in your local area, you might be able to purchase multiple Happy Meals and stack up a few packs in a single McDonald’s visit. You can’t buy the promo packs separately from the fast food chain, however.

How to Get McDonald’s Promo TCG Pocket Codes

Not only is there a physical Pokémon TCG promo for the Dragon Discovery packs, but The Pokémon Company has also partnered with McDonald’s to offer a digital reward for Pokémon TCG Pocket players too in a first of its kind collab.

If you use the McDonald’s app to purchase your Happy Meal, not only will you get your Dragon Discover pack but you will get a code for TCG Pocket as well. This code can be redeemed in-game for 12 Wonder Hourglasses and 24 Pack Hourglasses, or the equivalent of an extra Wonder Pick and two free packs.

  • Download the McDonald’s App.
  • Purchase a Happy Meal between Jan. 21 and Feb. 24 via the app.
  • You will receive a digital code with instructions on how to redeem it in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
  • Claim your items.

Related Article: Pokémon TCG Pocket: How to Trade and All Limitations
