Cheaters Beware - Rainbow Six Siege Doubles Down on Penalties for Botting


Recent months have uncovered massive cheating problems in Call of Duty titles, but Rainbow Six Siege has similar issues that are rarely reported. Finding a cheater in a match can severely limit a player's enjoyment of a competitive multiplayer game, which is why developers are starting to take these problems more seriously.

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Cheaters caught botting in Rainbow Six Siege are about to have a bad time. Ubisoft released an update on X today detailing various new improvements to their anti-cheat efforts. By listening to players and expanding their advanced detection systems, it looks like cheating may largely become a thing of the past in Ubisoft's popular first-person shooter.

New Match Cancellation Policy

The most notable mechanic implemented by Ubisoft to stop cheaters is the new match cancellation policy. If a cheater is detected, the match will be completely canceled, and the offender will be kicked. With this safeguard in place, Ubisoft ensures that players can compete on a level playing field and avoid unfair losses.

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JessGOAT posted on X earlier to share a personal experience with match cancellation, expressing joy that cheating is being taken so seriously. Others in the Rainbow Six Siege community are also celebrating today, as it seems that the future of fair and balanced competitive multiplayer is getting brighter every year.

First Offense Bans

In a strong new move by Ubisoft, any player who receives a botting offense will receive a lifelong ban. The previous policy was to first issue a 15-day ban, but taking a harder stance on cheating will probably make thousands of players think twice before offending. Botting will likely decline in Rainbow Six Siege as the new changes take effect.

It's impossible to say how Rainbow Six Siege's cheating policies will evolve over time, but today's update provided a glimmer of hope for fans. Hopefully, Ubisoft's detection system won't commonly report false offenses. However, the coming weeks will determine if the new anti-cheat rules primarily help or hurt common players in Rainbow Six Siege.

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Michael Caruso

Michael Caruso is a journalist of five years who works to share his passion for gaming with the world. Throughout his career, Michael has written for various video game and news publications, focusing his writing on entertainment and the well-being of the environment. When Michael isn't writing, he can be found playing his guitar or immersed in a virtual world.