Huge Patch TFT13.4 Notes - Set 4.5 Revival is Here!!

Patch TFT13.4 brings in the second half of TFT set 13 and also the newest TFT 4.5 Revival game mode
Riot Games

The second patch of the 2025 Teamfight Tactics cycle is here. Patch TFT13.4 is a massive patch as it introduces the TFT 4.5 Revival game mode and it was also planned on being a gigantic patch in terms of balance changes. But thanks to the state of the meta being in a good spot, there arent as many changes as expected but the ones that are making their way to the live servers are very impactful. 

Here is a complete list of all the changes Riot Games is making to Teamfight Tactics when Patch TFT13.4 hits live servers on Thursday, January 23. 

System changes

Patch TFT13.4 brings a few quality-of-life changes to certain system mechanics. For starters, players who have been frustrated when PvE rounds drop multiple copies of the same components will rejoice when they play the new patch as when that happens going forward, they will be able to reforge one (or both). Additionally, Augments tailored towards traits will appear only when players are board-committed to them. Speaking of traits, Wandering Trainer and the Ambessa encounter will now grant a guaranteed mix of classes and origins. 

  • Any NPC round after minions that drop two of the same component will also drop a Reforger.
  • Augments that require a certain breakpoint of Traits to appear will require more units in that trait to appear on 4-2.
  • When "Wandering Trainer" effects (e.g., Ambessa’s Trainer Golem Encounter or the Wandering Trainer Augments) grant three Emblems, one will always be an Origin, one will always be a Class, and one will be randomly an Origin or Class. If the effect grants less than three Emblems, they will remain random.
  • You can now never see the same Anomaly multiple times too close together (currently 12).


The trait changes in Patch TFT13.4 are light this time, but while the amount of changes are small, the actual changes are massive. For starters, the high-end interval for Sorcerer and Visionary are now gone as Riot decided simply slamming eight champions of the same class was a no-go as that should usually only be for traits that are Origin based as they are more traditionally balanced. 

  • Experiment: Emblem Bonus Clone Health: 60% ⇒ 50%
  • Sorcerer (8) removed.
  • Sorcerer AP: 20/55/105/140 ⇒ 20/55/90. Sorcerer (6) now has "Abilities lower target’s damage by 20% for 3 seconds" (The old 8 piece bonus, but 20% instead of 25%).
  • Visionary (8) removed.
  • Visionary (6) now has "Abilities heal ally for 18% damage" (The old Visionary (8) bonus, but 18% instead of 20%).
  • Family: Getting a Family Emblem on Warwick, Jinx, and Vi with Violet, Vander, and Powder will cause something special to happen. Never turn your back on family.


A look at a glance of all the changes coming to Patch TFT13.4
Riot Games

As for champion changes in Patch TFT13.4, there are a few that have been a long time coming. For starters, Lux is finally getting her spell mana locked to make the Lone Hero build tolerable to deal with. Besides that, there are a ton of small nerfs and buffs spread out as the current metagame has been very healthy. As for other big changes, Viktor is getting some changes to make sure when players pick him, they are rewarded for investing items into him. 

  • Lux: Is now manalocked if she shields herself with her ability.
  • Morgana: Spell Damage: 525/780/1300/1550 ⇒ 530/800/1500/1800
  • Powder: AS: 0.7 ⇒ 0.75, AD: 35 ⇒ 30
  • Urgot: Armor/MR: 45 ⇒ 40
  • Vander: Spell Armor/MR Gained: 100/125/150 ⇒ 100/130/180
  • Scar: Ability Heal: 220/240/270 ⇒ 245/255/270
  • Garen: Ability AP Ratio: 200/220/1500 ⇒ 225/250/1500
  • Twitch: Bonus AS During Spell: 85% ⇒ 75%
  • Viktor Death Ray no longer Shreds and Sunders
  • Viktor Death Ray Magic Damage: 50/180/2000 >> 60/240/2400
  • Viktor Main Ability Damage: 100/300/9999 ⇒ 150/500/9999
  • Viktor Main Ability % HP Damage: 8/20/100% ⇒ 3/10/100%
  • Leona: Ability Durability: 50/50/50% ⇒ 50/50/55%
  • Loris: Ability Shield: 600/700/800 ⇒ 600/700/900
  • Jayce: Ranged three-star Damage: 1200% ⇒ 8000%, Melee three-star Damage: 3000% ⇒ 8000%


A few new Anomalies have been added in Patch TFT13.4. A couple are carry anomalies while others are more situational like Titan of Teamwork which works best for comps that have a lot of three-star champions. 

  • Brutal Claws: This champion gains 40% Critical Strike chance and Critical Strikes bleed for 40% of their damage over 3 seconds.
  • Cultivating Magic: Gain 30 AP. Gain 5 AP permanently for each 10,000 damage dealt.
  • Cybernetic Empowerment: Gain 8% Attack Speed and 2% Attack Speed for each component held by your team.
  • Hivemind: Gain a copy of the first champion this champion kills each player combat. Gain 25% Damage Amp.
  • Infectious Anomaly: Gain 15% AD and 15 AP. At the start of each round, grant a random ally this Anomaly. If they already have it, instead grant them 2% AD and 2 AP.
  • Power Up: Gain 20% AD. Gain 5% AD permanently for each 10,000 damage dealt.
  • Titan of Teamwork: Gain 1% durability for each star level on your board. Three-star champions count as four-stars.
  • Vampiric Affinity: Gain 20% Omnivamp. Increase this to 40% while below 75% health.
  • Voracious Appetite: This champion gains 300 Health and 15% Damage Amp. Each round gain a consumable that grants 150 Health and 3% Damage Amp in exchange for 3 player health.


Some Augments have proven to be a little too powerful so in Patch TFT13.4, Riot is taking charge by taking away some value from augments like Firesale but also giving some additional value into augments like Rigged Shop to keep everything in check. 

  • Firesale: Champion Stolen: Any cost ⇒ 3-cost or lower
  • Glass Cannon I: Removed from 2-1
  • Rigged Shop+: Rerolls Granted: 5 ⇒ 9
  • Spirit Link I: Health Regen every 5 ⇒ 4s
  • Survivor: Gold Granted: 70 ⇒ 88
  • Trolling: AS Granted: 160% ⇒ 140%
  • Young Wild & Free: Removed from 3-2. Gold: 2 ⇒ 5
  • Forbidden Magic: Takedowns per stack: 3 ⇒ 2, AD per stack: 1.5% ⇒ 2%
  • Forward Thinking: Gold reward drastically sped up, Turns Required: 6 ⇒ 5, Gold Granted: 80 ⇒ 70
  • Glass Cannon II: Removed from 2-1
  • Gloves Off (Vander): Splash Damage: 25% ⇒ 35%
  • Rocket Collection: Rockets Required: 75 ⇒ 65
  • Scavenger: Champions with no items now grant an item tailored to the unit receiving the item, rather than the dying champion’s recommended items.
  • Shop Glitch: Removed from 3-2
  • Trait Unlock: Reunion: Vi Earthquake Damage: 150% ⇒ 120%
  • Trait Unlock: Sisters: Correctly grants Vi Attack Damage and Jinx Attack Speed. Attack, Damage Buff: 40% ⇒ 60%
  • Trade Sector: Gold: 1 ⇒ 4
  • Two Much Value: Removed from 3-2
  • Welcome to the Playground: Time Required to live: 17 ⇒ 15 seconds
  • Birthday Presents: Grants 2 gold on Level Up.
  • Blazing Soul II: AP Granted: 35 ⇒ 45, AS Granted: 30% ⇒ 35%
  • Coronation: Attack Damage: 30% ⇒ 25%, Attack Speed: 30% ⇒ 25%, Ability Power: 40 ⇒ 35
  • Pandora’s Items III: Removed from 4-2
  • Prismatic Pipeline: Prismatic orbs no longer grant bonus loot.
  • Quality Over Quantity: Bonus HP: 12% ⇒ 7%
  • Shopping Spree: Rerolls: Level ⇒ Level+1
  • Sponging: Max Units to get items: 5 ⇒ 6
  • Tactician’s Kitchen: Tactician’s Shield granted after three player combats.
  • Tomb Raider II: Grants 1 completed item Anvil on selection.
