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50 Cent's Blamed His Awful First Pitch on Excessive Masturbation

We're nearly a 1/3rd of the way finished with baseball season and the most talked about pitch of 2014 thus far wasn't even thrown by an actual baseball player.

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Last week 50 Cent captured the attention of the nation by throwing what our readers have determined to be the worst first pitch in recent memory. The throw was so bad that 50 Cent told Good Morning America that he was pulled over by NYPD officers who just wanted to laugh at him.

So it should come as no surprise that when he did a Reddit AMA on Tuesday, he would be asked about the pitch laughed about around the world. But what wassurprising was his response:

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Yeah mot sure what to make of that. Could be a joke, but it's oddly descriptive. You know what I'm just going to listen to Candy Shop and forget I read that.