Listen to Episode 28 of the Arkansas 8-man football podcast
Aaron Weatherford and Steve Knox bring you the latest news from Week 8, updated rankings, plus games for Week 9.
Rector 44 Midland 6. (01:48)
Strong 18 Spring Hill 14. (03:23)
Mountain Pine 26 Woodlawn 22. (04:15)
Izard County Consolidated 64 Augusta 16. (04:53)
Mountain View 57 Cedar Ridge 18. (06:35)
Subiaco Academy 52 Genoa Central 22. (07:17)
Cutter-Morning Star 60 Fountain Lake 12. (12:12)
Rose Bud 40 Marshall 38. (15:13)
Sanctioned rankings. (17:40)
Sanctioned Games This Week
Strong vs. Mountain Pine. (19:01)
Izard County Consolidated vs. Brinkley. *GAME OF THE WEEK* (20:36)
Woodlawn vs. Marvell-Elaine. (23:30)
Club Playoff Breakdown
Championship Bracket
N1 Mountain View vs. S2 Cutter-Morning Star. (25:31)
S1 Subiaco Academy vs. N2 Corning. (27:25)
Consolation Bracket
N3 Cedar Ridge vs. S4 Parkers Chapel. (31:00)
N3 Genoa Central vs. S4 Rose Bud. (32:36)
Last Place Game
Fountain Lake vs. Marshall. (35:45)
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--Kyle Sutherland | @k_sutherlandAR