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Miss Canada hockey tribute costume horrifies universe at pageant

Miss Canada wears bizarre hockey tribute outfit at Miss Universe Pageant.

The annual Miss Universe Pageant held its annual costume extravaganza on Wednesday night. Apparently the point of this exercise is to perpetuate some national stereotype in a way that makes the contestants more relatable to the average Joe and Joann who are watching it on TV.


Obviously Miss Canada, Chanel Beckenlehner, had a few choices to go with here, like Sexy Moose, Sexy Alex Trebek or Sexy Tim Hortons employee. Maybe those were used by past contestants because she decided to go with Sexy Hockey .... Something.

Actually, we're not sure what's going on here but it seems clear that the designer was insane. Or has never watched a hockey game. Probably both.

Beckenlehner's get-up featured a glittered red and silver Team Canada "jersey", 10 hockey sticks fanning out behind her like a crazy hot rod exhaust system, a hair net holding a mini Stanley Cup and a working scoreboard following the worst beer league game ever played.

As the great Rod McCaudrey said, "Well that was borderline treasonous, and a disgrace to our nation and its proud and storied history."

Then again, it could have been worse.