Starfield Into the Unknown mission – find Temple Eta and grab your first power
The Into the Unknown quest in Starfield is an early Constellation mission that will give you two artifacts, one new companion, and will introduce you to Starborn Temples and the special powers you can get there.
Into the Unknown is a relatively straightforward Starfield mission, but there are some confusing points, especially in the second part. In the first part of the quest, you’ll just have to travel to two planets to grab artifacts and find Andreja, a Constellation member. The second part of the quest will send you to Procyon III, where you will need to investigate an anomaly that will lead you to the first Temple in the game.
Here’s a complete Into the Unknown mission walkthrough, where you will find everything you need to complete the quest and progress in Starfield’s main story.
Get the Artifacts and find Andreja
The first part of the quest is very straightforward, as all your steps to find the artifacts and Andreja will be clear and marked on your starmap. Make sure you have the Into the Unknown mission selected, so you always know where you need to go next.
Follow the distortions to find Temple Eta’s location
You will find Procyon III in the Procyon A system, very close on the starmap to Alpha Centauri and our own Solar system. Things can get slightly confusing when you land on the planet, so keep reading to learn exactly what you’re supposed to do there.
Temple Eta puzzle: Investigate the source of the anomaly
When you enter Temple Eta through one of its two entrances, you will immediately start to float above the ground as the temple’s zero-gravity field is activated by your presence.
If you're looking for more mission guides, go to our Starfield walkthrough, where you'll find them all in one place. It always helps to check out our Starfield tips for important things the game doesn't tell you.