What Will Auburn's Most Recent Recruit Bring To The Plains?

A closer look at Auburn recruiting's newest addition
Dante Core
Dante Core / Brian Smith-Auburn Daily

Auburn's 2025 recruiting class resides at 11 verbal commitments and the latest is a versatile defensive back.

With Dante Core joining the Auburn family, the 6-0 and 170-pound cornerback will be able to help the Tigers quickly because he's a physical player, shows good anticipation when breaking on the football, and is a good tackler.

Look for Core to see action as a freshman. With his all-around skills, it's a good bet that the Fort Walton Beach (Fla.) High School cornerback will see immediate opportunities to at least play special teams for the Tigers. Core's junior film will be a pathway to defining how the Tigers can use him in many ways, as he continues to hone his talents.

That's the most physically complex position on the gridiron because tight ends and traditional slot receivers will each line up there, keeping defenses guessing from play-to-play. It's good to have strong and versatile players defending the position, because if not, teams will use a tight end to overpower the slot defender and run the football in addition to throwing wide receiver screens. Defending the shifty slot receivers is not easy either. Core is also capable of making the big play no matter where he lines up.

Similarly, his strength is noticeable. Whether playing bump-and-run coverage or making a tackle, Core's upper body strength allows him to derail a receiver's route or bring down a running back in his tracks. With his physicality, he will have more chances to make plays near the line of scrimmage.

Many cornerbacks struggle with tackling. It's one thing to be physical but quite another to showcase the ability to line up a shifty running back and bring the opposition to the ground. Core does a quality job of getting low and running through the midsection of a ball carrier. His coverage skills are distinguishable.

Core's ability to anticipate and break on a pass in the air is also a way he changes high school games. The SEC level is more challenging but he changes direction well when moving out of his backpedal. That skill is a must for corners and defensive backs overall. As Core continues to improve, he can become a starting corner for the Tigers.

He's more advanced as a tackler than most prep defenders, shows the awareness and natural physical tools to be an SEC cornerback, and still has room to improve. Auburn's latest verbal commitment is one Tigers fans should be happy about.

Brian Smith