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Mark Dantonio has been very vocal about satellite camps. For those of you unfamiliar with the process it is when college coaches go off of their campus to recruit players at camps designated for potential recruits to show and improve their talents.

So when the NCAA recently removed their short lived ban on the practice, Dantonio had a lot to say.

“I think that my feeling is that it needs to be a level playing field. There's a lot of things that are positive about satellite camps. There's probably a couple negatives in there. So I think people are trying to make good decisions and try and get it so that everybody has equal opportunity and that it doesn't just go -- it just doesn't run wild. But I think it's a good thing that people decided to sit back and rescind it until they can make better decisions on things and see where it goes from there. But I'm happy that it provides an opportunity to go to some of these other camps to provide an opportunity for us to go to some different camps as a staff and then also that staffs can come and be at our camp, especially the Mid-American Conference and some of those other football teams at that level, the non-Power Five. It provides more opportunities for players, which I think that's the underlying result, educational opportunities.”

I am neither an apologist nor a supporter of the NCAA. Their quick removal of the ban had a lot to do with the Federal Government considering looking in to the ridiculous andhorrible ban. Once again proving that a bully (Which in my opinion the NCAA is) only responds to authority.