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NEW: Mel Tucker Releases Statement After MSU Serves Termination Notice

Michigan State's former head football coach Mel Tucker released a statement after being served notice of termination by the university...

Michigan State head football coach Mel Tucker, and his lawyers, are fighting tooth and nail to get as much of the nearly $80 million remaining on his contract as possible.

Less than 24 hours after being served notice of his termination by MSU athletic director Alan Haller, Tucker has responded with another public statement regarding that termination and the on-going investigation into sexual harassment allegations.

In this statement, Tucker calls the complaint brought forth by sexual misconduct prevention advocate Brenda Tracy "baseless".

"Let's be clear," Tucker writes. "I don't believe MSU plans to fire me because I admitted to an entirely consensual, private relationship with another adult who gave one presentation at MSU, at my behest, over two years ago."

Tucker said he believes "other motives are at play" by Michigan State in terminating his contract. He lists those reasons below:

Mel Tucker statement 2a
Mel Tucker statement 2b

Upon being served notice of termination, Tucker was allowed seven days — per his contract — to respond to that notice and "present reasons to the Athletic Director and the University's President" why he shouldn't be terminated for cause. The above is Tucker's response.

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