Hondo's Blog

Hello folks! Thanks again for taking the time to read Spartan Nation. On Friday’s Hondo’s House my guest will be University of Illinois head basketball

Hello folks!

Thanks again for taking the time to read Spartan Nation.

  • On Friday’s Hondo’s House my guest will be University of Illinois head basketball coach Bruce Weber.
  • The owners in the NFL couldn’t get their own house in order and agree as a unit on a new NFL CBA. Late last night it broke down, and we now enter into a free agency period with no CBA in 2007, thus leaving 2007 as an uncapped year.
  • Steeler’s receiver Antwaan Randle El has informed the Steelers that he is willing to take less money to be able to continue to play in Pittsburgh.
  • Gene Upshaw, the President of the NFLPA has informed the owners that once the cap is gone, the players will NEVER again agree to a cap.
  • The Bills and the Jets are interested in redskin backup QB Patrick Ramsey. Look for him to be moved to either one by the end of the weekend, unless the Skins can work something out to make him more cap friendly.
  • One Viking told me last night that he feels the team is set up to go after Shaun Alexander, Edge, or Jamal Lewis. He said that in the order I just listed them is the Vikings wish list.
  • Look for the Saints to start giving signs that they like USC QB Matt Leinart. With Proximity of New Orleans to Houston, they would love to get Vince Young. The Titans with former USC offensive coordinator Norm Chow hold the 3rd pick behind New Orleans and want Leinart. Thus, the Saints could swap with the Titans, giving them Leinart and they get their guy in Young and possibly some added benefits with a trade.
  • If the Titans get the QB they want, several Dolphins have talked to Steve McNair who most certainly would get cut to come to Miami.
  • Justin Verlander the young Tigers pitcher looks to have the inside edge on the fifth Tigers pitching spot. Look for the hot young prospect Joel Zumaya to be the future closer. He has looked great in Lakeland.
  • It is no secret that the Lions want to bring in a quality backup QB. I have heard from 2 sources that the Lions (read Coach Marinelli) want badly Brian Griese.
  • The Lions will talk to the agent for Drew Brees and possibly pursue him. The Lions have plenty of cap room, so look for them to have the room to get the free agents they want.
  • It is only 7 months and 6 days until the MSU vs. UM football game!

Thanks everyone, hug your loved ones and remind them that you love them!

