Live Updates: Mississippi State Baseball at Vanderbilt Game 3

Bottom of the 9th
Tyson Hardin comes in for Ligon.
Hardin gets a groundout, one down.
Nice play by Chester gets the second out.
Hardin issues a two-out walk.
Kohler makes the throws to Hines to end it.
MSU wins 8-7.
Top of the 9th
Chance lines out to left field, one down.
Mershon singles into right field. He moves to second on a throwing error.
Jordan strikes out, two down.
Hines homers to give MSU a lead.
Hujsak grounds out to the shortstop for the third out.
Bottom of the 8th
Ligon hits the leadoff batter with a pitch. He moves to second on a balk.
Hujsak makes the catch. Runner on third, one down.
The Bulldogs et the runner at the plate, two down. Runner on first.
Ligon issues a walk.
Ligon gets a strikeout to end the inning.
MSU trails 7-6.
Top of the 8th
Kohler strikes out, one down.
Pulliam strikes out, two down.
Long strikes out looking for the third out.
Bottom of the 7th
Holcomb lines a leadoff single to left field.
Hines hits the runner with the ball. Runners on first and second.
Austin lays down a bunt single to load the bases.
Pulliam catches a pop-up, one down.
Mershon throw to Kohler, two down. A run scores. Runners on first and second.
Stevens hit a batter with a pitch to load the bases.
Karson Ligon will take over for Stevens.
Ligon gets a pop out to end the inning.
MSU trails 7-6.
Top of the 7th
Hines lines out to right field, one down.
Hujsak lines out to center field, two down.
Larry grounds out to the shortstop for the third out.
Bottom of the 6th
Holcomb lines a leadoff double down the left field line. He moves to third on a wild pitch.
Vastine lines an RBI double past Kohler.
Austin grounds an RBI single into center field.
Cijntje gets a strikeout, one down.
Espinal grounds a rbi single into center field.
Nolan Stevens will come in for Cijntje.
Stevens issues a walk.
LaNeve hits a three-run homerun to tie the game.
Kohler throws to Hines, two down.
Pulliam throws to Hines for the third out.
Tied at six.
Top of the 6th
Pulliam will reach on an infield single.
Long strikes out, one down.
Chance works a walk.
Mershon flies out to left field, two down.
Jordan grounds out for the third out.
Bottom of the 5th
Espinal lines a leadoff double into the left field gap.
Cijntje issues a walk.
Cijntje gets a strikeout, one down.
Cijntje has ten strikeouts now, two down.
Dominant. Cijntje strikes out the side, again.
MSU leads 6-0.
Top of the 5th
Hines strikes out, one down.
Hujsak lines a single into right field.
Larry flies out to center field, two down.
Kohler grounds out for the third out.
Bottom of the 4th
Cijntje gets a strikeout looking, one down.
Mershon throws to Hines, two down.
Cijntje gets his seventh strikeout to end the inning.
MSU leads 6-0.
Top of the 4th
Long is hit by the pitch.
Chance grounds into a 6-4-3 double play.
Mershon launches a solo home run to left field.
Jordan strikes out for the third out.
Bottom of the 3rd
Kohler makes the grab in foul ground, one down.
Hines fields it and steps on the bag, two down.
Jordan makes the grab to end the inning.
MSU leads 5-0.
Top of the 3rd
Chance grounds out to the first baseman, one down.
Mershon drops a single into left center field. He steals second.
Jordan works a walk.
Hines reaches on a fielder's choice. Runners on the corners, two down.
Hujsak lines a two RBI double into left center field. Runner at second, two down.
Larry is hit by the pitch.
Kohler homers to right center field.
Pulliam strikes out for the third out.
Bottom of the 2nd
Cijntje gets his third strikeout, one down.
Another strikeout for Cijntje on a 97 MPH fastball, two down.
Cijntje is in a groove as he strikes out the side.
Tied at zero.
Top of the 2nd
Hujsak grounds a leadoff single into center field.
Larry lines a double into left center field. Runners on second and third.
Kohler strikes out, one down.
Pulliam strikes out, two down.
Long strikes out for the third out.
Bottom of the 1st
Hujsak makes the grab in center field, one down.
Cijntje gets a strikeout, two down.
Cijntje gets a strikeout looking to end the inning.
Tied at zero.
Top of the 1st
Chance flies out to right field, one down.
Mershon works a walk. He steals second.
Jordan strikes out looking, two down.
Hines pops up to the third baseman for the third out.
Mississippi State Lineup:
LF Bryce Chance
SS David Mershon
RF Dakota Jordan
1B Hunter Hines
CF Connor Hujsak
3B Logan Kohler
DH Amani Larry
2B Ethan Pulliam
C Johnny Long
SP Jurrangelo Cijntje
Vanderbilt Starting Lineups
SS Jonathan Vastine
1B RJ Austin
3B Davis Diaz
C Alan Espinal
DH Colin Barczi
LF Troy LaNeve
CF Matthew Polk
2B Camden Kozeal
RF Braden Holcomb
SP Devin Futrell
STARKVILLE, MISS— The travel to Nashville sporting a five-game winning streak. This series has significant implications for MSU as a series win could propel them into a possible hosting discussion. At the same time, getting swept would significantly damage their post-season chances.
Now, no result should surprise anyone at this point as this team can beat anyone, but they could also lose to anyone. Every time these two programs match up, especially in Nashville, it is always exciting.
The key pitcher for MSU is Jurrangelo Cijntje. It is pretty much a guarantee that Khal Stephen will give MSU a good start on Friday and give them an excellent shot to win.
However, Cijntje does not quite have the consistency that Stephen does, but when he is pitching well, he can dominate a lineup. These two guys are the main reason for the Bulldog's success in SEC play so far, and if Cijntje can throw a gem, a series win is likely.
The key hitter is Hunter Hines. Hines had a solid performance last weekend against Auburn, but he can still do more and has shown that throughout his career.
The junior is not playing poorly, but he still has much more left in the tank. If Hines can get going, this lineup will become dangerous.
What: Mississippi State Bulldogs (27-14) (10-8) versus Vanderbilt Commodores (30-11) (10-8)
When: Friday at 6 p.m. CT, Saturday at 2 p.m. CT, and Sunday at 1 p.m. CT.
Where: Hawkins Field, Nashville, Tennessee
TV: SEC Network+ all weekend.
Series: Mississippi State holds a 74-57 advantage over the Commodores. The first matchup came on May 16th, 1913.
Last Meeting: The Commodores took the previous matchup over the Bulldogs 11-7 last season. Connor Hujsak went 2-4 with three RBIs.
Last time out, Commodores: Vanderbilt defeated UT Martin 5-4 in their previous game. Leadoff hitter Jonathan Vastine went 2-4 with an RBI.
Last time out, Bulldogs: Mississippi State got their fifth win in a row in their previous game. MSU defeated Memphis 6-4 on the road. Cam Schuelke pitched four scoreless innings with seven strikeouts.
Mississippi State Rotation:
Khal Stephen
Jurrangelo Cijntje
Vanderbilt Rotation:
Bryce Cunningham
Carter Holton