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Tyler Byrd arrived in Knoxville for the 2016 season as one of the most highly coveted recruits in America. A consensus four-star from Naples (HS) made the transition to Knoxville with his brother Carlin Fils-Aime. Byrd, like many others in the 2016 class, would face a career of transition at Tennessee, but he enjoyed every step of the process and took time to sit down with VR2 on SI for an exit interview.

How would you describe your overall experience in Knoxville?

"I would say my overall experience was awesome. It was great. Learning to transition from being coddled by parents and stuff like that, and go into a whole different state is a shock. It is a lot harder than it may seem."

What would you say the hardest part of that transition was?

"it definitely wasn't the weather. The weather was a big factor. I was like wow, it is really cold like I really need a jacket. As opposed to in Florida, I just wore a jacket because it was cool. It never really got cold enough. The hardest part was just being away from my parents and not having someone to lean on."

Did having Carlin (Fils-Aime) along with you make the transition easier?

"For sure. It made it easier from the get-go. Just knowing that we were going to be together. That is big in itself. Having someone who really understands you and where you come from. It definitely good to have him up here."

You went through the transitions and made the move from Florida. What would you say was your favorite thing about Tennessee's campus?

"My favorite thing would probably be the student union. You just met there early on. Especially when we were all taking the same classes Freshman and Sophomore year, you just pop in there and see your friends and new teammates, and just build new relationships. Then pop out and see them later on."

What is the go-to restaurant for Tyler Byrd in Knoxville?

"Oh, man, Central Park. But if we went up a little way it would be Pal's in Greeneville, for sure."

Who was your favorite person to play with during your time at Tennessee?

"Man, if I had to say, John Kelly. I knew how he felt about the game. Kind of like Jauan, you know the passion and how they feel about the game. Someone you look forward to playing with is people like JK and Jauan, who you can see the emotion and how much thought and feelings they have for the game of football."

You spent several years with those guys and went through several transitions with offensive coordinators and head coaches. How were you able to handle that, and how hard was it for you?

"It wasn't that hard. I think when you get a basic understanding of offense and defensive things, not much changes. It is just different coaches have different terminologies for certain play-styles. It wasn't really that hard. It definitely helped to have an understanding of how offenses were run by previous coordinators."

What is your favorite moment on the football field?

My favorite moment was probably catching my first collegiate touchdown. It came against UMASS on a corner route. That is probably one of my personal favorites for myself. Probably one of my favorite moments as a football player would be Jauan Jennings, Hail Mary. I mean, how many times do you get to witness that in person?  It is absolutely crazy."

Talk to me about the catch against Mississippi State this year. How big of a moment was that for you?

"It was a very exciting moment. I was just playing things by ear and waiting for my chance to showcase what I can do. So, my moment finally came, and I tried to run with it the best I can, and it ultimately resulted in a touchdown. I was trying to catch the ball and do my job."

What is next for Tyler Byrd?

I entered the draft, so starting tomorrow just be hoping I get a phone call, and that will be next, and go from there.