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Rasheed Wallace Weighs in on the Hot Debate, 'College vs Pro'?

Rasheed Wallace is joining in on a discussion that will never be agreed upon, what level of basketball is better, College or NBA?

Rasheed Wallace is joining in on a discussion that will never be agreed upon, what level of basketball is better, College or NBA?

Being in North Carolina, it's kind of hard to ignore all things college, with some of the NCAA's best teams, UNC of Chapel Hill, Duke, NC State, and Wake Forest. Rasheed has even played at North Carolina Centrals Pro-Am, where some of college and NBA best attend for a summer of basketball. Its no surprise he enjoys it, in NC, college basketball is what they breathe.

"I was more interested in college. To me it seemed in college ball, guys are more hungry. It's for a different circumstance when you're talking about playing for money and playing for heart. Not saying that guys in the NBA don't play for heart, but once you get that money, you're under a different mindset. However, when you're trying to get there and get on this level, you're more hungry."

Wallace makes a valid point; a lot of college players look to go to the NBA to take care of their families; their hunger and determination are at a high. Once the player reaches the NBA and starts making money beyond their dreams, college becomes an afterthought; And not on purpose. When you're dreaming about a goal since the moment, you picked up a basketball, and it happens, your next dream is staying at that moment and creating a legacy.

With the flashy lifestyle, disposable income, and stardom, if it's possible for a kid, they'd be crazy to stay another year in an institutionalized system that won't pay them for their brand. If we are honest, these high profile kids make college basketball impactful; fans are glued to their commitment announcement, summer growth, and introduction into college systems.

It's about winning, and kids realize the power they have in controlling their narrative. 

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