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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151 — Release Date, All Cards

The original 151 Pokemon are getting brand new cards in the next Pokemon TCG set. Here's everything you need to know about Pokemon Scarlet & Violet 151

Pokémon card collectors are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Scarlet & Violet 151, the next set of cards. Featuring the OG 151 Pokémon but with brand new art, this set cannot be missed for anyone looking to complete their card collection.

When Is Pokémon Scarlet & Violet 151 Coming Out?

The new set has already been released in Japan but the English version is coming on September 22, 2023. It comes with not only stunning cards, including ex ‘mon, but Elite Trainer Boxes, posters, binders, and other collectible memorabilia.

How Many Cards Are in Scarlet & Violet 151?

You may have guessed 151 but you’d be wrong! The name 151 actually comes from the “original 151 Pokémon,” which first appeared in Red & Blue in the 90s.

But the new set actually has 210 cards in total to collect. This is because certain cards come with different rarities, including Secret Rare, Illustration Rare, and Special Illustration Rare, and Ultra Rare cards.

Promo Cards are also being released alongside the set, including a Reverse Holo Bulbasaur available only at Best Buy and a Reverse Holo Charmander found only at GameStop. You can also get Holo exclusives of Abra and Kadabra in the Alakazam ex promo and a Holo Electabuzz as part of the Zapdos ex promo.

All Cards in the Pokémon Scarlet & Violet 151 Set

  • 001/165
    • Bulbasaur
      • Common
  • 002/165
    • Ivysaur
      • Uncommon
  • 003/165
    • Venusaur ex
      • Double Rare
  • 004/165
    • Charmander
      • Common
  • 005/165
    • Charmeleon
      • Uncommon
  • 006/165
    • Charizard ex
      • Double Rare
  • 007/165
    • Squirtle
      • Common
  • 008/165
    • Wartortle
      • Uncommon
  • 009/165
    • Blastoise ex
      • Double Rare
  • 010/165
    • Caterpie
      • Common
  • 011/165
    • Metapod
      • Common
  • 012/165
    • Butterfree
      • Uncommon
  • 013/165
    • Weedle
      • Common
  • 014/165
    • Kakuna
      • Common
  • 015/165
    • Beedrill
      • Uncommon
  • 016/165
    • Pidgey
      • Common
  • 017/165
    • Pidgeotto
      • Common
  • 018/165
    • Pidgeot
      • Uncommon
  • 019/165
    • Rattata
      • Common
  • 020/165
    • Raticate
      • Uncommon
  • 021/165
    • Spearow
      • Common
  • 022/165
    • Fearow
      • Uncommon
  • 023/165
    • Ekans
      • Common
  • 024/165
    • Arbok ex
      • Double Rare
  • 025/165
    • Pikachu
      • Common
  • 026/165
    • Raichu
      • Rare
  • 027/165
    • Sandshrew
      • Common
  • 028/165
    • Sandslash
      • Uncommon
  • 029/165
    • Nidoran
      • Common
  • 030/165
    • Nidorina
      • Uncommon
  • 031/165
    • Nidoqueen
      • Uncommon
  • 032/165
    • Nidoran
      • Common
  • 033/165
    • Nidorino
      • Uncommon
  • 034/165
    • Nidoking
      • Rare
  • 035/165
    • Clefairy
      • Common
  • 036/165
    • Clefable
      • Uncommon
  • 037/165
    • Vulpix
      • Common
  • 038/165
    • Ninetales ex
      • Double Rare
  • 039/165
    • Jigglypuff
      • Common
  • 040/165
    • Wigglytuff ex
      • Double Rare
  • 041/165
    • Zubat
      • Common
  • 042/165
    • Golbat
      • Uncommon
  • 043/165
    • Oddish
      • Common
  • 044/165
    • Gloom
      • Uncommon
  • 045/165
    • Vileplume
      • Rare
  • 046/165
    • Paras
      • Common
  • 047/165
    • Parasect
      • Uncommon
  • 048/165
    • Venonat
      • Common
  • 049/165
    • Venomoth
      • Uncommon
  • 050/165
    • Diglett
      • Common
  • 051/165
    • Dugtrio
      • Uncommon
  • 052/165
    • Meowth
      • Common
  • 053/165
    • Persian
      • Uncommon
  • 054/165
    • Psyduck
      • Common
  • 055/165
    • Golduck
      • Uncommon
  • 056/165
    • Mankey
      • Common
  • 057/165
    • Primeape
      • Uncommon
  • 058/165
    • Growlithe
      • Common
  • 059/165
    • Arcanine
      • Uncommon
  • 060/165
    • Poliwag
      • Common
  • 061/165
    • Poliwhirl
      • Common
  • 062/165
    • Poliwrath
      • Uncommon
  • 063/165
    • Abra
      • Common
  • 064/165
    • Kadabra
      • Uncommon
  • 065/165
    • Alakazam ex
      • Double Rare
  • 066/165
    • Machop
      • Common
  • 067/165
    • Machoke
      • Uncommon
  • 068/165
    • Machamp
      • Rare
  • 069/165
    • Bellsprout
      • Common
  • 070/165
    • Weepinbell
      • Common
  • 071/165
    • Victreebel
      • Uncommon
  • 072/165
    • Tentacool
      • Common
  • 073/165
    • Tentacruel
      • Uncommon
  • 074/165
    • Geodude
      • Common
  • 075/165
    • Graveler
      • Uncommon
  • 076/165
    • Golem ex
      • Double Rare
  • 077/165
    • Ponyta
      • Common
  • 078/165
    • Rapidash
      • Uncommon
  • 079/165
    • Slowpoke
      • Common
  • 080/165
    • Slowbro
      • Uncommon
  • 081/165
    • Magnemite
      • Common
  • 082/165
    • Magneton
      • Uncommon
  • 083/165
    • Farfetch'd
      • Common
  • 084/165
    • Doduo
      • Common
  • 085/165
    • Dodrio
      • Rare
  • 086/165
    • Seel
      • Common
  • 087/165
    • Dewgong
      • Uncommon
  • 088/165
    • Grimer
      • Common
  • 089/165
    • Muk
      • Uncommon
  • 090/165
    • Shellder
      • Common
  • 091/165
    • Cloyster
      • Uncommon
  • 092/165
    • Gastly
      • Common
  • 093/165
    • Haunter
      • Uncommon
  • 094/165
    • Gengar
      • Rare
  • 095/165
    • Onix
      • Uncommon
  • 096/165
    • Drowzee
      • Common
  • 097/165
    • Hypno
      • Uncommon
  • 098/165
    • Krabby
      • Common
  • 099/165
    • Kingler
      • Uncommon
  • 100/165
    • Voltorb
      • Common
  • 101/165
    • Electrode
      • Rare
  • 102/165
    • Exeggcute
      • Common
  • 103/165
    • Exeggutor
      • Uncommon
  • 104/165
    • Cubone
      • Common
  • 105/165
    • Marowak
      • Rare
  • 106/165
    • Hitmonlee
      • Uncommon
  • 107/165
    • Hitmonchan
      • Uncommon
  • 108/165
    • Lickitung
      • Common
  • 109/165
    • Koffing
      • Common
  • 110/165
    • Weezing
      • Rare
  • 111/165
    • Rhyhorn
      • Common
  • 112/165
    • Rhydon
      • Uncommon
  • 113/165
    • Chansey
      • Rare
  • 114/165
    • Tangela
      • Common
  • 115/165
    • Kangaskhan ex
      • Double Rare
  • 116/165
    • Horsea
      • Common
  • 117/165
    • Seadra
      • Uncommon
  • 118/165
    • Goldeen
      • Common
  • 119/165
    • Seaking
      • Uncommon
  • 120/165
    • Staryu
      • Common
  • 121/165
    • Starmie
      • Rare
  • 122/165
    • Mr. Mime
      • Rare
  • 123/165
    • Scyther
      • Uncommon
  • 124/165
    • Jynx ex
      • Double Rare
  • 125/165
    • Electabuzz
      • Common
  • 126/165
    • Magmar
      • Common
  • 127/165
    • Pinsir
      • Uncommon
  • 128/165
    • Tauros
      • Uncommon
  • 129/165
    • Magikarp
      • Common
  • 130/165
    • Gyarados
      • Rare
  • 131/165
    • Lapras
      • Uncommon
  • 132/165
    • Ditto
      • Rare
  • 133/165
    • Eevee
      • Common
  • 134/165
    • Vaporeon
      • Rare
  • 135/165
    • Jolteon
      • Rare
  • 136/165
    • Flareon
      • Rare
  • 137/165
    • Porygon
      • Common
  • 138/165
    • Omanyte
      • Uncommon
  • 139/165
    • Omastar
      • Rare
  • 140/165
    • Kabuto
      • Uncommon
  • 141/165
    • Kabutops
      • Rare
  • 142/165
    • Aerodactyl
      • Rare
  • 143/165
    • Snorlax
      • Uncommon
  • 144/165
    • Articuno
      • Rare
  • 145/165
    • Zapdos ex
      • Double Rare
  • 146/165
    • Moltres
      • Rare
  • 147/165
    • Dratini
      • Common
  • 148/165
    • Dragonair
      • Uncommon
  • 149/165
  • 150/165
    • Mewtwo
      • Rare
  • 151/165
    • Mew ex
      • Double Rare
  • 152/165
    • Energy Sticker
      • Uncommon
  • 153/165
    • Snatch Arm
      • Uncommon
  • 154/165
    • Old Helix Fossil
      • Common
  • 155/165
    • Old Dome Fossil
      • Common
  • 156/165
    • Old Amber Fossil
      • Common
  • 157/165
    • Safety Goggles
      • Uncommon
  • 158/165
    • Big Balloon
      • Uncommon
  • 159/165
    • Extra-tight Band
      • Uncommon
  • 160/165
    • Leftovers
      • Uncommon
  • 161/165
    • Erika's Invitation
      • Uncommon
  • 162/165
    • Giovanni's Charisma
      • Uncommon
  • 163/165
    • Daisy's Assistance
      • Uncommon
  • 164/165
    • Bill's Transfer
      • Uncommon
  • 165/165
    • Cycling Road
      • Uncommon
  • 166/165
    • Bulbasaur
      • Illustration Rare
  • 167/165
    • Ivysaur
      • Illustration Rare
  • 168/165
    • Charmander
      • Illustration Rare
  • 169/165
    • Charmeleon
      • Illustration Rare
  • 170/165
    • Squirtle
      • Illustration Rare
  • 171/165
    • Wartortle
      • Illustration Rare
  • 172/165
    • Caterpie
      • Illustration Rare
  • 173/165
    • Pikachu
      • Illustration Rare
  • 174/165
    • Nidoking
      • Illustration Rare
  • 175/165
    • Psyduck
      • Illustration Rare
  • 176/165
    • Poliwhirl
      • Illustration Rare
  • 177/165
    • Machoke
      • Illustration Rare
  • 178/165
    • Tangela
      • Illustration Rare
  • 179/165
    • Mr. Mime
      • Illustration Rare
  • 180/165
    • Omanyte
      • Illustration Rare
  • 181/165
    • Snorlax
      • Illustration Rare
  • 182/165
    • Dragonair
      • Illustration Rare
  • 183/165
    • Mewtwo
      • Illustration Rare
  • 184/165
    • Venusaur ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 185/165
    • Charizard ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 186/165
    • Blastoise ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 187/165
    • Arbok ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 188/165
    • Ninetales ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 189/165
    • Wigglytuff ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 190/165
    • Alakazam ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 191/165
    • Golem ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 192/165
    • Kangaskhan ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 193/165
    • Jynx ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 194/165
    • Zapdos ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 195/165
    • Mew ex
      • Ultra Rare
  • 196/165
    • Erika's Invitation
      • Ultra Rare
  • 197/165
    • Giovanni's Charisma
      • Ultra Rare
  • 198/165
    • Daisy's Assistance
      • Ultra Rare
  • 199/165
    • Bill's Transfer
      • Ultra Rare
  • 200/165
    • Venusaur ex
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 201/165
    • Charizard ex
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 202/165
    • Blastoise ex
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 203/165
    • Alakazam ex
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 204/165
    • Zapdos ex
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 205/165
    • Mew ex
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 206/165
    • Erika's Invitation
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 207/165
    • Giovanni's Charisma
      • Special Illustration Rare
  • 208/165
    • Mew ex
      • Hyper Rare
  • 209/165
    • Switch
      • Hyper Rare
  • 210/165
    • Basic Psychic Energy
      • Ultra Rare