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Tekken 8 has no release date just yet but fighting game fans are getting antsy as more details keep emerging. At Evo 2023, developers discussed what went down during the closed network test so players could get a better idea of what’s being worked on right now.

During the Tekken 8 panel on Friday at Evo 2023, developers discussed some of the data they compiled from the closed network test. This included how players can improve their connection while competing in online matches.

During Week 1 of the test, which only took place on PlayStation 5, developers looked into how many gamers were playing with a wired connection versus WiFi. Most regions were close, but wired won out in most cases. In total, 56.8% of the closed network test participants used a wired connection versus WiFi, which was at 43.2%.

In Week 2, the trend continued. More participants moved to wired, most likely due to its more stable connection. This time around, the total amount of wired players reached 75.5% versus the 24.5% who stuck to WiFi.

Wired vs wireless indicator in Tekken 8

How to Improve Your Network Status on Tekken 8

While studying the connections of players participating in the closed network test, developers noticed that some of their added features were not being utilized.

First, developers included a way to show whether you or an opponent was using wired versus WiFi. Then, they showed the processor status display to help players better catch issues with their connection.

In the processor status display, you can see if you or your opponent are having slowdown issues. If you are having slowdown problems, you’ll see a red arrow pointing downward on the left. If your opponent is showing slowdown, the red arrow will now be on the right. If you are both having a slowdown issue, both arrows will be red.

Processor display tekken 8

If the issue is you, there’s some changes you can make to the settings. Developers highlighted a rollback setting that allows you to choose whether you want to prioritize graphics or response. According to developers, not a lot of people noticed this feature during the test and didn’t understand its significance.

Tekken 8 is a 3D game, so it has a lot more “fluid” movements that cover more distance compared to 2D fighters, according to developers. This means that choosing graphics as your priority will focus on trying to smooth out animations. If you choose response, you will instead see quicker response times.

This is just some of many updates that are coming to Tekken 8’s online gameplay. More will be revealed over the weekend at Evo 2023.