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F1 News: George Russell Reflects On Pre-Season Testing Results - "Focussed On Ourselves"

George Russell has reflected on the first day of pre-season testing.

George Russell has recently shared his insights on the new Mercedes W15, noting its improved drivability over its predecessor. Despite a modest showing in the initial pre-season test, Russell remains optimistic about the car's potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • George Russell finds the Mercedes W15 a solid improvement in terms of handling compared to its predecessor.
  • Despite a middle-of-the-pack performance in initial tests, Russell and Mercedes are more focused on data gathering and car development than outright speed.
  • Russell is positive about the car's foundation and looks forward to further testing, with Lewis Hamilton set to continue tomorrow.
George Russell - Mercedes

George Russell has provided a promising outlook on the Mercedes W15, describing it as a "good foundation" that offers a more pleasant driving experience than its predecessor. Despite this, he acknowledges that the ultimate measure of success in Formula 1 is speed, not comfort.

Mercedes, aiming to rebound from a winless season, has poured significant effort into developing the W15, hopeful it will thrust them back into championship contention. The team's ambitious goal is to return to the top of the podium, a position they've been accustomed to in the previous decade.

During the first day of pre-season testing, Russell took the W15 out on representative tyres, marking his first official drive in the new car. While his fastest lap placed him in the middle of the field, the focus for Mercedes was not on lap times but on completing a robust testing programme, which saw Russell complete 122 laps. He commented to the media:

“It was great to drive the W15 for the first time today.

“From hitting the ground, it felt like we had a good foundation to start from.

“We completed lots of laps and have plenty of data to go through tonight. We ended the day in a reasonably good spot, and we can build from here over the next two days.

“We will be focused on maximising mileage for learning rather than chasing an optimum sweet spot with the car.

“Overall, the W15 does feel nicer to drive than last year’s car.

“We know that it’s not about the feeling, but the speed. Nevertheless, today was about learning and not about chasing performance.

“We’re focused on ourselves at this test, and it will only be next week where we see where we stack up against the others.

“It was a positive first day and I’m looking forward to being back in the car on Friday.”

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