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F1 News: Red Bull To Release "Big Upgrades" With Dominance To Increase

According to Max Verstappen, Red Bull will be bringing large upgrades to their RB19.

In the world of Formula 1, 2023 has become the year of Red Bull Racing. The team, undefeated thus far, has seized victory in every race so far, including both sprint races. Now, it appears the team is planning to bring a large upgrade to their potent RB19.

This revelation came from the Grand Prix weekend in Great Britain. Max Verstappen, Red Bull's stalwart and two-time world champion, shared some exclusive insight. In a conversation with Channel 4 Sport, Verstappen teased the idea of a significant update for the RB19. 

Red Bull - Max Verstappen

"It’s great but now it’s all about keeping that momentum going and also the development rate, of course that’s to kick in now, a lot of teams are bringing a lot of big upgrades, you know we will too but not here, but yeah, this has been an incredible start to the season."

The triumph of Red Bull Racing, as grand as it has been, comes as a surprise even to the team. Neither Verstappen nor the Milton Keynes squad anticipated the level of dominance they'd exhibit in 2023. Reflecting on this, Verstappen shared.

"After last year we thought we had a great race car but that it’s going to be very tight.

"I think we also surprised ourselves with the pace we had from the start, but then still, of course we had a very quick car, but to do what we did as a team, to win all the races so far…"

Indeed, the spectacular performance of Red Bull Racing has taken the Formula 1 world by storm. But with the suggestion of major upgrades to the RB19, it shows us that it's clear the dominance likely won't let up ant time soon.