F1 News: Toto Wolff Teases Lewis Hamilton Replacement - 'An Italian'

Toto Wolff, Mercedes' team principal, teases the notion of an Italian replacing Lewis Hamilton, with Kimi Antonelli as a potential candidate.
2023 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Sunday
2023 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix, Sunday / Sebastian Kawka

Mercedes Team Principal Toto Wolff has sparked discussions about potentially filling Lewis Hamilton’s impending vacancy with an Italian talent. This speculation feeds into the narrative ahead of Hamilton’s transition to Ferrari in 2025.

The Formula 1 community is on the brink of witnessing a significant transformation as Lewis Hamilton, one of the sport's most decorated drivers, prepares to leave Mercedes for Ferrari at the conclusion of the 2024 season. This move not only ends an era at Mercedes but also ignites excitement among Italian fans eager to see Hamilton don the iconic scarlet red - something we're seeing lots of this weekend in Imola.

The Brackley chief, Toto Wolff, now faces the difficult task of filling the empty seat left by Hamilton. Recent remarks by Wolff teased an Italian driver in the seat, someone we all know to be Andrea Kimi Antonelli.

"We will get used to the outfits," he said in response to the 7-time champion moving to red next year. "But we’ve got to look at ourselves and maybe there is an option that we shine more with an Italian in our car, so we’re pushing back as hard," Wolff teased.

The spotlight shines on Antonelli, a young prodigy currently showing strong potential in Formula 2. His performance and adaptability to the F1 machine during test sessions in Austria and Imola have been promising. Antonelli represents a fresh vigor that could mesh well with Mercedes' forward-looking strategy.

George Russell, poised to step up as the team leader post-Hamilton, has also weighed in on the situation.

"Kimi is such a great driver and has had so much success in the past, but of course the decision is Toto's and I'm just focusing on myself," Russell said. "Kimi drove for Mercedes and it was a test for himself. That has always been part of the plan."

Wolff is keeping his cards close to his chest regarding the final decision while ensuring the team remains focused on the current season. "I am giving all for George and Lewis this year, as it was no change next year," he confirmed.

Alex Harrington


Alex is the editor-in-chief of F1 editorial. He fell in love with F1 at the young age of 7 after hearing the scream of naturally aspirated V10s echo through his grandparents' lounge. That year he watched as Michael Schumacher took home his fifth championship win with Ferrari, and has been unable to look away since.