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Andre Drummond, the Chicago Bulls center, showcased a new skill in his offensive arsenal during Sunday night's preseason game against the Toronto Raptors. 

Drummond has long been known as one of the best rebounders in the NBA, but this season he has been working on his offensive skills and unveiled a smooth-looking three-point shot. Drummond scored nine points — all from beyond the arc — and grabbed nine rebounds, showing that he is not just a one-dimensional player.

Pleasant surprise

For a decade now, Drummond has been an immovable force inside the paint. But for one preseason match, he surprised many and showed that he is more than just a big body in the post. And it wasn't like these shots were born out of necessity either, as he looked confident and comfortable taking them.

This is a significant development for the 29-year-old, who, before going 3-of-3 on Sunday, was just a 13% shooter from long distance. The irony is that he also took two shots inside the arc on Sunday and missed them both.

Will this become a thing?

Before his shooting spree against the Raptors, the big man had just made 15 of his 114 attempts from three-point land, a measly 13.2%. So the odds were against him to turn into a three-point shooter overnight. Nevertheless, it is encouraging to see that he is working on his game and trying to add new skills to his repertoire. With the way the league is trending, it might pay off for him in the long run.

While one can attribute this sudden precision from beyond the arc to the fact that it was just preseason, it's hard not to get excited about the potential of a player like Drummond adding this element to his game. If he can become even a semi-reliable shooter from deep, it would make him an even more dangerous offensive threat and help space the floor for his teammates. Preseason or not, this was a pleasant surprise and something to keep an eye on as the season unfolds.