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It breaks our hearts to be reminded of the reality that there are so many children who suffer in the world.

Redskins fans --  I was made aware of just such a child, and she, like you, is a big Redskins fan.

Destinee Loggins is 11 years-old, and I am altogether certain she would rather be in elementary school today with her friends.

Our fellow Redskins fan would rather be able to come home today, and play with neighbors; she would even rather sit down at a table or desk in the comfort of home and study her school homework.

However that is not the course that has been designed for Destinee; she is having to travel a much more difficult path.

Destinee has been diagnosed with Leukemia.

For those perhaps certain, people who suffer from leukemia possess a bone marrow that does not produce normal or healthy white blood cells, thus the white blood cells which are vital infection fighters in our bodies, don’t function properly.

Seeing the blood, bone marrow and infection-fighting properties are weakened, those with leukemia can experience and suffer from various difficulties such as easy bleeding or bruising, frequent infections, severe infections, bone pain and understandably prolonged fatigue and weakness.

I don’t know if Destinee’s leukemia is acute or chronic but I do know if this were my child, I would be so scared right now, watching my child , susceptible to other infections and illnesses.

 I learned of Destinee on social media. She is now a patient at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee.

Thank you to @Hogfarmers for their concern for Destinee.

If you are unfamiliar with Hog Farmers, they are Redskins fans and their mission states they “aim to elevate the mental, emotional & financial well-being of children & their families affected by pediatric cancer”.

Perhaps God has blessed you with some extra funds and you would like to use them wisely in a way that could be used to help others?

Then you might want to look into the Hog Farmers web site

A lump of coal placed under tremendous pressure eventually becomes a diamond.

Likewise it is my sincere hope that going through this physical ordeal good will come from this.

It is my hope Destinee and her family will come out the other end of this difficult trial being stronger, and shine like diamonds for those around them who will suffer in the future.

But for now, would you like to join me in sending a note of encouragement to Destinee?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if she heard from many fellow Redskins fans that you heard about her, are concerned for her and will pray for her?

Send your encouraging note to:

Patient Destinee Loggins

St Jude Children’s Research Hospital

262 Danny Thomas Place

Mail Stop 108

Memphis, TN 38105

Ivan Lambert is a lifelong die-hard Washington Redskins fan, raised in Berryville, Virginia. He is married and the father of two fine young men. He is currently a sports correspondent for The Ledger in Lakeland, Florida and can be found on Twitter @IvanLambert18