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From the you can't make this up if you tried department, Redskins Owner Dan Snyder opened up Ron Rivera's introductory press conference with either a joke or a awkward mistake. 

Yes indeed Happy Thanksgiving Redskins fans! And while we're at it - Happy 4th of July!

It had to have been a joke, right? Nobody can figure it out just yet and Snyder doesn't talk very much into a microphone and cameras, so maybe it wasn't? 

With that, that's how the Ron Rivera era oddly started. Just like the Jim Zorn era started with him referring  to the Redskins as the "maroon-and-black" 12 years ago. 

Hopefully for Rivera, the results are much better in the next few years than they were for Zorn.

There were many legitimate highlights to the Rivera introductory presser. He's everything that you thought he would be. 

A few good moments: 

Redskins Maven/ asked Rivera what are one or two things he would like to change for his second tour of duty as a head coach. 

He immediately answered that he wants to win a Super Bowl. The answer was so quick I could not get my camera recording in time, so later, he was asked again about his vision and goal. 

The initial response was a home run, slam dunk, blast from the point and 50-yard touchdown rolled into one, even though the original intent of the question was different. 

Rivera's opening remarks were candid, honest, open and filled with passion. 

Rivera also was asked about Dwayne Haskins, his next quarterback: 

Chris Russell is the Publisher of Maven & Sports Illustrated's Washington Redskins channel. He can be heard on 106.7 The FAN in the Washington D.C. area and world-wide on Chris also hosts the "Locked on Redskins" Podcast and can be read via subscription to Warpath Magazine. You can e-mail Chris at or follow him on Twitter at @Russellmania621.