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Dan Snyder is 'Super-Cool, Not an A-Hole!' Haynesworth on Commanders

The world didn't need a contrarian view to the sale of the Washington NFL franchise. But Outkick and Albert Haynesworth provided one nevertheless.

It figures as a challenge to unearth - among fans, media, players and even other NFL owners - anyone who thinks the takeaway from the sale of the Washington Commanders should include a defense of disgraced former owner Daniel Snyder.

At the same time, a contrarian viewpoint surely had to be lurking around some dark corner. ... and indeed, here comes OutKick, having posted an interview in which Clay Travis interviews Albert Haynesworth.

And the dark comes into the light.

In this visit, Haynesworth defends Snyder, calling him “super cool" and “not an a-hole.” Haynesworth said he would talk to Snyder at least once a week that they were “super close" while praising the owner for "loving football."

Haynesworth, who last played for Washington in 2010, rattled off a series of names of teammates who he said were a "joke" and "trash." He pinpointed cornerback DeAngelo Hall, running back Clinton Portis and tight end Chris Cooley in his criticisms.

We won't get into a debate with Haynesworth - who last played for Washington in 2010 - about the merits of his teammates; his experiences are his own. We also won't fault him for granting an interview here that seems rather purposeless to us; maybe he wants a moment back into the spotlight or maybe he simply said "yes" to a rare media request.

We will, however, work on the assumption that Haynesworth's positive opinion of Snyder, who recently escaped NFL scandal by selling the franchise to Josh Harris, is fueled in part by the monster seven-year, $100 million contract he was given by the former owner. 

The deal is commonly considered one of the dumbest in NFL history. But it is understandable if in Haynesworth's view, that $100 million paycheck makes Snyder "super-cool" and "not an a-hole."

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