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Far be it from to criticize anybody that engages in a twitter battle or finds a 'mountain to die on' as I've been accused of doing a time or 200. 

So I'm staying out of this and just serving as a hub. In other words, don't kill the messenger. 

I first was introduced to Jimmy's Famous Seafood Restaurant in Baltimore on Food Network's Diners, Drive-In's and Dives or (DDD).

Last March, on his way to WrestleMania in New York City, WWE Superstar Braun Strowman told a great friend of mine, Lenny Brooks and myself, that he and another superstar, Baron Corbin, were stopping at Jimmy's on the way from Washington to New York City at about 2 AM to pick up food for the week. 

Apparently, the grub is really good. 

For some reason, the person that runs the twitter account for Jimmy's engaged a bit with some Redskins fans last week with the Ravens on a bye week. 

I don't always always ask the most deep probing questions in general and in this case, I asked none. 

It seems like the few Redskins fans featured in this post, are complete idiots and clearly do not represent the fan base but of course they were singled out and blown up. 

Which caused this: 

And this...

There's also this:

I have to admit. As a Kirk-for-lifer, this made me laugh quite a bit. 

But at least there was a truce - kind of.

So basically here's where I am at on this: Redskins fans, for the most part, are quite sensitive and thin skinned. I have battled that for years. 

The dude who runs Jimmy's twitter account - certainly has enough juice to represent the restaurant and brand, without fear of any negative publicity. 

So I have a suggestion: Can we all just battle this out together at Jimmy's one night and I'll be glad to emcee the trash talk as long as I get a heaping fresh plate of crab cakes and other fried seafood delights while you all yell at each other, and I'll just eat?

Sound good? Thanks!

Chris Russell is the Publisher of Maven & Sports Illustrated's Washington Redskins channel. He can be heard on 106.7 The FAN in the Washington D.C. area and world-wide on Chris also hosts the "Locked on Redskins" Podcast and can be read via subscription to Warpath Magazine. You can e-mail Chris at or follow him on Twitter at @Russellmania621.