What's Jerry Jones Smoking? Cowboys Owner Endorses 'California Weed'
Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones has lots of reasons to keep bringing his team to Oxnard, California, as he does annually for training camp. The temperatures allow a lot of work to get done. And the marketing footprint of "America's Team'' remains large in Southern California. Really, it's a great mood-setter altogether ... right, Jerry?
"You look around and say no wonder California folks are as laid back as they are and smile as much as they do," Jones said via KTCK. "Now, it may be something that's in the air, too. The weed out here has a lot going on."
That's right. Jerry Jones, fixin' to turn 81 this fall, is making marijuana jokes ... and we've come a long way, baby, because it was not too long ago that an NFL player caught with that substance in his system got suspended by the old men who run the league. (Even now, in the case of suspended Cowboys running back Ronald Jones, he claims they won't even let him take his heart medicine!)
Jones - who actually openly advocated years ago for the league to quit shooting itself in the foot by punishing marijuana users - himself happens to favor Johnny Walker Blue. But still ... As the NFL marches on, there are more "old men'' who used to be young men who smoked pot. Or, heck, still do. So suddenly - not that every other NFL owner is going to start telling weed jokes - it's all more acceptable than ever.
Outside of hanging out with Mark Stepnoski and David Irving ... What does Jerry Jones know about “pot,'' “Mary Jane,” “bud,” “ganga,” “reefer,” “chronic” or “herb''? What about a “spliff,'' a “roach'' or a "bong''? Or maybe this is about "brownies'' and "gummies'' and “edibles''?
The Cowboys, with some pauses to work back home in Texas, have held training camp in California for the better part of 44 years. That won't change any time soon, for a lot of reasons, including the fact that it obviously gets Jerry Jones "high on life.''
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