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Kelvin Joseph 'Ain't Giving Up' - But Cowboys Trade Him to Dolphins

Had Kelvin Joseph done enough to quell the questions about whether he should make the team? "I ain't giving up!'' said the Cowboys cornerback. ... right before he was traded to Miami.
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FRISCO - Dallas Cowboys defensive back Kelvin Joseph was defiantly speaking out against critics who predicted he might be cut by the team as the Tuesday 53-man roster deadline approaches.

"Nice articles,'' Joseph wrote on Twitter this weekend. "I ain't giving up!''

Has Joseph given the Cowboys enough to retain him? Has he done enough to quell the questions about whether he should make the team in 2023?

In a way, the critics were wrong. He didn't get cut - but he did get traded on Tuesday, to the Miami Dolphins, in exchange for another high-draft-pick cornerback who hasn't worked out in former first-rounder Noah Igbinoghene.

Like every NFL team, the Cowboys are having to cut their current roster of roughly 90 players down to 53 before the regular season begins ... and that deadline is here.

We suggested going into the preseason games that Joseph was having a difficult time finding his place on the Dallas depth chart ... that he's "not showing enough'' as a corner ... and that as much as the Cowboys would hate to admit a mistake, or give up on, a third-year player who was a second-round pick, "BossMan Fat'' may find himself on the roster bubble if he doesn't start excelling in opportunities.

The Cowboys have Stephon Gilmore, Trevon Diggs and DaRon Bland atop the cornerback depth chart. He never got to that level.

Cowboys owner Jerry Jones called out Joseph specifically in December, saying it was time for him to step up.

"It's time for him to become a man," Jones told 105.3 The Fan. "Accept a higher level of responsibility. He’s got more people depending on him. It’s time for some of the side stuff to ease its way out of his life."

Jones' comments were about Joseph's off-field behavior. Those sad issues haven't surfaced again. Now he moves to Miami ... and if he's true to his words, he will continue to not "give up.''