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Skip Bayless Rips Cowboys Coach Mike McCarthy, Exposes Ignorance

"The Cowboys need a head coach they fear and respect and actually listen to - one who can inspire them .. “ the irresponsible Skip Bayless says of Mike McCarthy. "This head coach is a bump on a log - lifeless …”
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FRISCO - Skip Bayless has never stepped foot inside the Dallas Cowboys locker room at The Star.

He has likely never spoken with coach Mike McCarthy, and he has definitely never interviewed even one Cowboys player on the subject of the team's relationship with its head coach. ...

All of which makes it offensive that Bayless continues to portray himself as a passionate fan of the Cowboys (he is not) and an "expert analyst'' on the Cowboys (he is not).

"This is where the Dallas Cowboys need a head coach they fear and respect and actually listen to - one who can inspire them .. “ Bayless said on Twitter. "This head coach is a bump on a log - lifeless …”

The Cowboys fan base, if it is paying attention, recognizes the team’s shortcomings, even in the wake of what ended in a lopsided 27-13 win over the Tennessee Titans … who were in admittedly the mail-it-in mode.

But along with the sluggishness and the flaws - which sometimes erodes some confidence in Dallas’ Super Bowl worthiness - Cowboys Nation is also aware that ….

McCarthy’s team is a 12-game winner for a second straight season, an “inspiring” success … as is the fact that Dallas enters the final days of the Swaim with a chance to be the NFC’s best team.

Bayless surely has some sort of production assistant who can feed him these simple facts. What Bayless cannot do, however, is fool the plugged-in Cowboys fan into thinking he has any insight into this locker room’s relationship with the head coach.

“Fear” is largely a remnant of another era in coaching. But “respect”? Being “listened to”? Being “inspirational”? If Bayless still had one fiber of “journalist” left in his body, he could ask around and get real answers.

Instead, the Human Hemorrhoid chooses to continue to take potshots at sports figures as a way to fraudulently and poisonously ride their coattails … all along not knowing whether a football is blown-up or stuffed.

And due to his lack of any insight whatsoever into “his Cowboys,” all along continuing to deceive sponsors and viewers while causing unwarranted damage to those “in the arena.”

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