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What They're Saying: Lions React to Practice Changes

Detroit Lions explain how practice was different following the bye week.
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The Detroit Lions examined several facets of their football operations during their bye week. 

One change that head coach Dan Campbell has revealed will be the team's practice routines. 

Instead of starters matching up heavily against scout team players, the team will look to ramp up the intensity of practice with more one-on-one competitive reps. 

"We’re going to go back and do a lot of things we did in camp, just to prepare," said Campbell. "That was one of the things that came out of the bye, be much more competitive in practice. We’ll get back to some pads, one-on-ones, things of that nature."

Wednesday was the first Lions practice following the bye. 

Here is how several members of the roster reacted to the practice changes, when asked by All Lions. 

Jared Goff

“Yeah, it was definitely more intense. It was fun. Those guys were flying around, and when their intensity raises, so does ours. So, it was a fun day, it was a fun practice. I thought it was a really good practice for both sides, and it was good.”

D'Andre Swift

"I mean, pads. Pads was on. It's always like that. It felt like a camp practice out there. It looked like a scrimmage. But, every time we got the pads on, everybody has the competitive energy, stuff like that. It was good, though. We needed it for sure.

"The way people hit and stuff like that. Like, not taking people to the ground, but the intensity definitely picked up today."


Will Harris

"Today, it was fun. We brought a competitor out of all of us. Anytime you get the pads on, you got guys competing at the ball, it is going to promote -- we're all in here for a reason. We're all competitors. It was fun. 

"Just preparing for what type of game it is going to be. I think they're (Cowboys) obviously a good team. They're a physical team. So, we have got to be ready to match that. More than about them, it's more about us, actually. Getting back to our team identity. Everything top-down that this franchise stands for. Getting back to that, it was needed. Playing football. You play the game with pads on, so it was good to get back to that." 

Amani Oruwariye

"Absolutely. I mean, I felt it first-hand. But, we needed that, man. We got to, we had to take a step back, and let's get back to the basics. What's winning football? Just running to the ball, tackling, catching, assignments, sound football. I think that's what we did in practice. So, hopefully it pays off for us."

Malcolm Rodriguez

"Just one of those things. They said last year, they did it last year. They said the intensity really increased. Brought it back this year, and I definitely felt the bigger like boost of energy. On both sides. And so, it was loud in there, pads are popping. You know, I love that. So, I love to hear that. Just the energy, it brings a different type of energy. Doing full pads, one-on-ones, you know, working on your craft."