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Rivera: 'We Can't Miss Opportunities'

Washington Football Team head coach Ron Rivera knows that his team blew another chance yesterday because of missed opportunities against the Detroit Lions

ASHBURN, Va. - Washington Football Team head coach Ron Rivera was not in a particularly chatty mood Monday morning after another gut punch in Detroit on Sunday, this one by a 30-27 score. 

The big takeaway from Monday morning: Missed opportunities and it's an every game theme. 

Rivera highlighted several situations that cost Washington points which led to a 17-3 deficit at halftime, then a 24-3 lead for Detroit until the WFT got up off the mat. 

*Rivera was asked about Dustin Hopkins' continued struggles after missing a 43-yard field goal. He admitted that the WFT is now forced to consider other options. 

Washington does have Kaare Vedvik on the practice squad as a backup kicker and punter but it's quite possible that they will go outside the organization and consider other options. 

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*Rivera also pointed to turnovers in general for being a problem, especially in the first halves of games this year when Washington has been horrible and have been out-scored 148-72. 

The normally ultra-reliable Terry McLaurin had a key fumble at the Detroit 30-yard line near the end of the first half. Washington had moved the ball from their own 16 yard line on the drive and cost themselves at least a potential three points if not more. 

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*The first drive of the game was sharp, effective, and dare we say - pleasant to watch. Then ... it all came crashing down. A double pitch reverse was blown up for a 10-yard loss on a sscond-and-3 from the Detroit 14. 

On the next play, a 14-yard sack loss off the right edge of the offense and Washington went from the 14 to the 38 in two plays and were forced to punt. 

Rivera was asked about not kicking a field goal in that spot. That's an easy answer: Hopkins has been very shaky and it's a 55-yard attempt with Detroit getting the ball at the Washington 45 if missed. 

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That's exactly the answer Rivera should have given and remember, he was burned earlier this year on a Hopkins miss from 54 - which gave the Ravens the ball in a great position, and in a snap of a finger, the defense gave up seven points.

And, in a snap of an afternoon, WFT is 2-7.