Kansas Jayhawks Player Ratings to the Theme of Norms

With Bill Self recuperating in the hospital, assistant coach Norm Roberts has taken the reins of the Jayhawks, and that got us thinking about other famous Norms. So today, in honor of Norm Roberts, we rate the players to other famous people named Norm.
But first, the criteria:
5 Stars: Out of this world performance. This is a hard to achieve rating and is only reserved for the most impressive or impressionable performances.
4.5 Stars: Very strong performance, packed the stat sheet, provided undeniable intangibles.
4 Stars: A strong performance that falls just short of the standards above.
3.5 Stars: Above average performance, perhaps stands out in one category or one aspect of the game.
3 Stars: Average performance. Also could be a very strong game in one aspect but a very poor game in another such as 15 points but seven turnovers. Could also be that the player played, did their job, but didn't do much spectacularly.
2 Stars: Below average performance, or we simply have higher expectations for the player on this particular night.
1 Star: Rare, but if a player has a stinker in all aspects.
Memorial No Star: Named after former KU walk-on Chris Teahan and is awarded to the player(s) who didn't have enough playing time to contribute or whose performance isn't worthy of a rating for another reason.
5 Stars: Norm Peterson from Cheers
As Norm Peterson, George Wendt got to sit at the end of a bar, drink beers, occasionally enter or leave Cheers, and trade witty quips with Sam and the gang. He did this for 11 seasons on one of TV’s most beloved comedies.
I'm going to go ahead and put Jalen Wilson here. His red hot start got KU cooking early and his late dominance sealed the win. Twenty five points and 10 boards is another double-double for the All-American.
4.5 Stars: Norm Macdonald
Sadly, comedic legend Norm Macdonald recently passed away, but his droll sense of humor and dry delivery, especially on Weekend Update on Saturday Night Live will forever be remembered. Perhaps you've also seen him as Burt Reynolds on Jeopardy!
Dajuan Harris absolutely locked down Gabe Kalscheur on defense and still managed to score 11 and dish out six assists. He also had four steals.
4 Stars: Norman Lear
Among other things, Norman Lear is known for creating such TV hits as The Jeffersons, One Day at a Time, All in the Family, Good Times, and Sanford and Son. That’s a decent career. Recently, Lear celebrated his 100th birthday.
Gradey Dick did things other than can threes in this one. His hustle and rebounding were key. Finished with 15 points and five boards.
3.5 Stars: Norman Osborn AKA The Green Goblin
Willem Dafoe was recently voted the best ever Green Goblin in Spiderman history. Good enough for three and a half stars.
Both KJ Adams and Ernest Udeh did a nice job inside for KU. Adams was the flashier of the two with eight points, four rebounds and four assists, but Udeh contributed with interceptions, two blocks and a massive dunk.
3 Stars: Norm Stewart
This is a Kansas Jayhawk blog after all, so he can’t be higher. But if I’m being honest, I kinda liked Norm Stewart. He brought passion to the Kansas/Missouri rivalry and who could forget his final game at Allen Fieldhouse when KU gifted him a rocking chair and the whole crowd chanted “Sit down Norm!”
It was nice seeing MJ Rice get some meaningful minutes.
Joseph Yesufu did mostly well in this one and played much more composed than he has recently.
Bobby Pettiford was better against ISU than he was his debut in this tournament.
2 Stars: Norman Rockwell
Most people consider this guy an “illustrator” rather than an “artist” and it’s hard to argue as his paintings only portray a lilywhite presentation of American life. Late in his career, he did however start to paint people of color, his most famous being a series on American racism in Look magazine. This saves him from being a one star and I’m glad he focused on more than white America, albeit in the twilight of his career.
No one was a two.
1 Star: Being “Normal”
Stay weird people. And no one was a one star.
Chris Teahan Memorial No Star:
Get well, Kevin McCullar.
Michael Jankovich and Zuby Ejiofor got a novelty minute at the end.