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STILLWATER -- There's no doubt that this is unprecedented times for everyone due to the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses are temporarily closed, there's never any toilet paper at the stores and everyone is having to learn how to practice social distancing.

It's also unprecedented times because there's no sports. No NCAA basketball tournament, no college wrestling championships, no more college baseball, softball, tennis, track, nothing. There's also no spring football and at this rate, there's probably not going to be annual spring football games.

Well, other than a few entertaining posts from his family's vacation in Montana in early march and some retweets, Oklahoma State head coach Mike Gundy has taken to Twitter to deliver a video message. It was sent to and posted by Sangre Ridge Elementary here in Stillwater on Twitter and it's a highly encouraging message to the kids.

"I hope everybody is safe, hope your family's safe. Hope you guys are keeping your distance, hope you're washing your hands and not touching your face. But we're gonna get through this, all of us are. Keep working hard; I know you're gonna do distant learning, how about finishing up strong? Wouldn't that be awesome to raise your grades doing distant learning?

"Spend time with your family, work hard in school, do things that are going to continue to make Stillwater High School, the community of Stillwater, the State of Oklahoma and the United States, which is the greatest country in the world. You guys are the future okay? Keep working hard, we're gonna get through this. Make a difference."

Great words to live by, not just for the great kids at Sangre Ridge, but all of us.