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After a twitter poll, Brant Kuithe was selected by fans for an interview during spring camp. The following are questions selected by Sports Illustrated Utah and the corresponding answers by Brant Kuithe.

Q: What's your favorite thing about playing for the Utah football team?

Kuithe: "I'll probably say the family atmosphere. That's probably the best part, just being around the guys and knowing that everyone has each other's back. It's not like, Oh, I win. You're not going to win. It's everyone's winning and everyone's doing all the same thing for each other."

Q: What was the process like for you when considering the draft and returning to Utah?

Kuithe: "Just a lot of things. Family. life choices, just a lot of things mixed in, but just overall, just felt like coming back was the best decision and being with the guys and running back for one more year, I mean, if we do it for one year, why can't we do it the next? So that was one of the things and just improve all around as a player. So hopefully we can go back to the Pac and go to the playoffs."

Q: What unit, offense or defense, has had the most questions coming into spring? Who do you think are going to be the standout players?

Kuithe: "I'd probably say linebackers just because we're losing a lot of guys, but I mean, just like we reload, we have guys everywhere. We don't recruit for nothing. So I think Scalley and his squad are going to get the guys right and we're going to be a hell of a defense."

Q: What's the worst pronunciation of your name you've ever heard?

Kuithe: "Oh, there's a lot. I can probably just go down the list. I've heard Kooth. I've heard Kythe. Kweethy. Just any way you think you could have said it, it's been said."

Q: Being a Texas guy what’s your favorite BBQ joint here in Salt Lake?

Kuithe: "Hmm. I don't know about any place here. I mean, the only one… there's a couple like R&R. So like, I wouldn't say it's like great barbecue. I mean, I would love if someone showed me around and show me some good barbecue, but no, I haven't had much really good barbecue here."

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