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Grubb's Favorite Play From the Cal Game Had Stiff-Arming and High-Stepping

The offensive coordinator said it was all he could talk about to his players.
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Ryan Grubb currently coaches the nation's leading passer and oversees college football's top passing offense, yet the play from the recent California game that impressed the  offensive coordinator the most came from one of his running backs.

While it was still a pass reception, what Richard Newton did during his 36-yard touchdown play in the fourth quarter impressed the man in charge of the University of Washington offense on every level.

A tough catch. A couple of stutter steps to get around the first defender. A pair of healthy stiff arms. An instinctive high kick to avoid getting tackled.

"It was my favorite play of the game," Grubb said. "After the game on Sunday, in talking to the offense, that was the most excitable I was the whole time."

Ever the detail man, Grubb pointed to Newton's awareness while finishing as the most impressive part of the play, the fact that he wasn't automatically dragged down from behind.

"If you really watch the play through two really good stiff arms, and then if you watch at the end the defender coming and trying to rally late to him, and Rich immediately just naturally picks his feet expecting the guy to try and swipe his legs," Grubb said.

The Huskies continue to use five players during games in the running-back role. These runners are at their healthiest since the new staff took over.

"It's a violent position," Grubb said.

The 6-foot, 212-pound Newton, a junior from Lancaster, California, got off to a late start this season because he was still recovering from a knee injury suffered in last season's UCLA game in Seattle that required surgery and plenty of rehab.

Newton was the starter to begin last season, but he's had to  prove himself to the new staff. That means he's also had to buy in to the offense, which requires him to catch the ball and provide blocking whenever needed rather than simply just run inside.

"Rich is really trying to expand his game, too, not just a between-the-tackles guy, so that he can fit this offense," Grubb said. "I think he's done a good job of that."

Newton's fourth-quarter reception, where he floated out to the right flat and made himself wide open for a Penix delivery, was a good indication of his progress.

"He's never had bad hands or anything like," Grubb said. "He catches the ball pretty naturally. I don't know that he's quite the route runner that Will Nixon is or anything like that. But to see a play like that, where's he out in in open space and makes a play, is pretty awesome."

While that was Newton's first touchdown of the season and 15th of his career, fellow running back Cameron Davis continued to find the end zone on a weekly basis.

Davis' 6-yard scoring run in the third quarter of the UW's 28-21 victory over the Golden Bears was his 10th of the season, which ranks him first in the Pac-12 and eighth nationally. 

Grubb said the 6-foot, 208-pound sophomore from Rancho Cucamonga, California, is running confidently when he gets close to the goal line now.

"I think earlier in the season he was stuttering in the hole and maybe second-guessing his read," the coach said. "I think he's being more definitive with the ball now."

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