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Kremp in, Vivid out in Boston Breach Roster Change

Boston Breach make a roster change during CDL Major 4 Qualifiers

The Call of Duty League has just restarted with the Major 4 Qualifiers. We have seen a lot of new additions between Major 3 and 4, with Eli “Standy” Bentz joining the Las Vegas Legion from Toronto Ultra and Ulisess “Uli” Rios joining the London Royal Ravens from Challengers team Decimate. Today, another Challengers player got a call up, with Kyle “Kremp” Haworth joining the starting lineup of Boston Breach.

Kremp in: Vivid out

It was announced earlier today that Reece “Vivid” Drost would be a free agent heading into the remainder of the CDL Major 4 Qualifiers. Later on, it was announced that Kremp would be the missing piece, promoted from Boston Breach’s academy roster. Boston Breach currently sits 1-1 in Major 4 Qualifiers, with a win over Toronto Ultra and a loss to Las Vegas Legion. So far in Stage 4, Vivid has the second lowest K/D on Boston Breach, with his SMG duo Nero below him. However, it may be a change of pace and more slaying that the Breach is looking for from Kremp.

Kremp currently has a 1.07K/D throughout the entire 2023 Challengers season, with a 1.15 in Elite Season 3. And success isn’t a new thing for Kremp, as he and his Boston Breach team placed 2nd at Challengers Cup #7 and 3rd at the Texas Open and Elite Stage 1 Playoffs. This change of pace and more slaying from Kremp could be exactly what Boston Breach is looking for and the change that they need to push them into Major contenders. Boston Breach has already brought one of their Challengers players into the main roster this season, with Ben “Beans” McMelon joining the starting roster in February 2023.

Boston Breach kicks off the second week of Major 4 Qualifiers taking on the London Royal Ravens, and this is a tough matchup. The London Royal Ravens have looked like a team that could surprise anyone, and against a Boston Breach team with just a week of preparation, could be dangerous.

You can watch this match and all the action on the Call of Duty Twitch Channel or any of the many watch parties from April 7th at 3 pm ET.