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New York Subliners win the Call of Duty League Major 5: Full Match Recap

The New York Subliners are your Major 5 Champions. Here is the Grand Finals breakdown.
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What a tournament this has been. It's offered everything from surprise wins, extreme upsets, top teams being eliminated early, and teams dominating the completion.

The New York Subliners took the loss on the first day of the Major and made their way through the Losers Bracket by beating the home team, Toronto Ultra, and the red-hot Minnesota RØkkr. On the back of their SMGs, HyDra and KiSMET, the Subliners have looked like one of the best teams in the Call of Duty League.

As for the Atlanta FaZe—they've looked unstoppable throughout Major 5. Every team they've faced, they walked right over them on their way to another Grand Finals birth. They clinched the No.1 seed in Champs and are looking to grow that lead.

Let's take a look at each round of the CDL Major 5 Grand Finals match.

Hardpoint Embassy

Both teams have been tremendous on Hardpoint. HyDra has been nearly unstoppable for New York, and the Tiny Terrors have been impossible to deal with. FaZe got out to an early lead, leaving New York wondering how to break hills and when to rotate. Heading into the third set of rotations, the game was tied, with New York making it back into the match. In one of the closest Hardpoints that nearly ended due to the time, FaZe locked down P4 for the win.

Hotel SnD

It wasn't looking good for New York early. FaZe struggled in the respawn game earlier in the year, but in Major 5, they've significantly improved. They're still an SnD team, so this round of Hotel SnD could have been a dagger early for New York. They got up early with a 3-0 lead and weren't looking back. SlasheR for FaZe was impactful on the map, but the setups for New York were tough to break, with KiSMET and HyDra doing ridiculous damage with the SMG.

Expo Control

FaZe has looked good on Expo recently, making this a dangerous round for New York. After getting up to a quick 2-0 lead, FaZe was dominant throughout the round. SlasheR and Cellium, the two ARs, were picking the Subliners off left and right, making it tough to get to hills and get the rest of FaZe off the point. New York was able to get one round on them, but overall, it was a beat down. Priestahh could only manage three kills for New York, and the Tiny Terrors had their way throughout the round. 

Hotel Hardpoint 

After a close round on Embassy in the first match, New York came out firing on Hotel, which has been a favorite map of theirs in Major 5. Priestahh snapped back after having just three kills in the last round, going 17k/21d, allowing his SMGs to slay and the rest of his team to get on the hill. HyDra was nasty on the map, getting 32 kills and slaying his way to a +1.88 K/D.

El Asilo SnD

This was one of the most intense rounds of the series. FaZe and New York were going back and forth, but once Simp clutched the 1v3 for FaZe, it looked like New York was in for a tough match. They put the round behind them quickly, with HyDra and KiSMET lifting the load as the SMGs. As round 11 approached, all four of the Subliners clutched up and shut down FaZe to put them one win away from taking Major 5.

El Asilo Control

Shockingly, FaZe is one game away from losing the Major in which they've dominated. They came out firing, keeping New York on their toes throughout the round. But New York came crawling back, bringing it to a game five and what could be match point. FaZe had two cruise missiles in their pocket, while KiSMET invested his halfway through the final round. He found one kill with just seconds left, allowing his teammates to get to the B point. SlasheR pulled a ridiculous snap out of his back pocket, saving the round for FaZe and bringing the Grand Finals to a game seven.

Mercado SnD

Unbelievably, we are down to the final game in Major 5. Both teams are playing out of their minds, with both SMG duos slaying and both ARs supporting. The Subliners got out to another early lead on SnD and, again, never looked back. Mercado was their playground, and FaZe was just hanging out. They took the round 6-3 and win Major 5.

The New York Subliners are your Major 5 Champs. Even after winning Major 1 and despite being one of the better teams in the Call of Duty League, they were repeatedly tasked with proving themselves. New York was put on the back-burner, but this weekend they've shown why they're one of the best teams heading into Champs.