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Toronto Ultra Manager Accidentally Poked Scrap in Eye in Major 3 Championship

Ultra's Championship run almost ended poorly after Scrap takes a poke in the eye.
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What was a phenomenal run in the Call of Duty League Major 3 in Arlington, Texas, almost ended in disaster for the Toronto Ultra.

According to the Ultra Manager, Thomas "Scrap" Ernst got "smacked in the eye by accident" right before game five on Hotel SnD.

Ultra is coming off of a map where they tied the series at two, defeating OpTic Texas 250-170 on Hydro Hardpoint. It's a tightly contested match for who is going to take home the title of Major 3 Champs. OpTic is flying high, and the crowd is louder than it has been all weekend.

The Ultra Manager, Connor Chambers, explains to Esports Illustrated what had happened:

We're getting out of our coach's area, doing a little review. I'm pulling away from him, he [Scrap] turns around and smack him in the eye by accident. He's kind of, like, glasses off, tearing up, then went 0-5 to start.

Ultra ended up going down 4-1 in the SnD match, with Scrap logging 0 kills and five deaths. It's looking rough for them in a crucial round that could put them one loss away from losing the series and missing out on being Champions.

Typically, going down that badly in SnD doesn't end well for the team losing. Your star player can't find a kill because his eye is hurting. This can't turn around for Ultra, can it?

Next thing you know, they're tied at four, with Scrap going 6-1 during that time, putting him even at 6-6 for the entire round up to this point.

Ultra would go on to win the match in round 11, and Scrap ends the map going 10-7. After the eye poke, he popped off, going 10-2. A tremendous regain, showing off the cold-blooded nature he has.

As we all know, Ultra would win the next map of El Asilo Control in game five and clinch Major 3. But what a remarkable testament to the down-but-never-out mentality of Scrap and the entire Ultra team.