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DreamHack has apologized for allowing a loud rock concert to take place right next to where the Super Smash Bros. Melee Top 8 players were competing.

While Masaya “aMSa” Chikamoto was competing in the top 8 at DreamHack San Diego, he admitted that he felt his heart pounding faster than usual. The music blaring from a concert on stage right next to where he was competing had left him feeling anxious and stressed, something that has often happened to him when there’s loud music.

“The sound is so loud that my heart [was pounding] and I feel so bad. I hope I don’t get sick but just in case, I will take care of myself,” aMSa tweeted before the top eight began.

aMSa ended up winning DreamHack’s Melee tournament despite the severe disadvantage. But that didn’t stop the Smash community from criticizing DreamHack for the poor planning. Not being able to hear the commentary at all plus players being distracted seemed a bit disrespectful to the esports side of the event.

DreamHack is a massive gaming convention that includes multiple esports tournaments as well as a lot of gaming culture activities and panels. This included a live concert with three rock bands, all held just a few feet from where the Smash and Brawlhalla tournaments were being held.

One Brawlhalla caster took to Twitter to complain about the situation.

DreamHack responded to the tweet, stating: “We sincerely apologize for yesterday's scheduling oversight. It does not represent how proud we are to be able to host these types of tournaments and be a part of the fighting game community. It is definitely something we are learning from and taking with us for future events.”

Many in the FGC community responded with frustration, stating that there was “no respect” to the competitors. DreamHack responded that it was an “oversight” in the scheduling, which will be worked on going forward.

aMSa also tweeted an update after DreamHack concluded. The Yoshi main said that everyone in the Top 8 was given $250 to make up for the situation.

He tweeted: “Dreamhack, an outrageous composition of live concerts with explosive sounds next to the Top 8 games of Smash Bros. DX. Later, as an apology, the organizer decided to pay $250 to all Top 8 participants. Mixed events, please remember to respect all sides.”

This seems to be the conclusion of the DreamHack concert drama, with the Smash players satisfied with the apology and extra cash.