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  • GG vs GAM League match at MSI 2023 is a battle between LCS #2 seed and VCS #1 seed.
  • Who was the favorite going into the GG vs GAM League match?
  • Who do Golden Guardians and GAM play next at MSI 2023?
  • What is the MSI 2023 schedule?

Golden Guardians have primed themselves up for a date with Bilibili Gaming after their 2-0 sweep over GAM Esports at MSI 2023.

There wasn’t a favorite between Golden Guardians and GAM Esports going into their series today. However, today was a strong indicator of the Golden Guardians' strength as a team moving forward at MSI 2023.

Golden Guardians 2-0 GAM Esports in MSI 2023 debut

Golden Guardians looked incredibly strong against GAM today as every single member of GG looked incredibly strong in the early laning phases. GAM Esports looked lost right from the start of each game as Kim “River” Dong-woo’s early jungle pathing was exceptional in ensuring GAM was unable to make many plays against GG’s laners.

This was evident throughout both games as GG garnered quick gold leads over GAM. The series then came to an end after GG botlaner Trevor "Stixxay" Hayes claimed a pentakill before ultimately taking the series at MSI 2023 2-0.

Who do GG and GAM play next at MSI 2023?

Following their win against GAM, North America’s Golden Guardians will now move forward into their qualifying match against LPL #2 seed BLG. Whoever wins that series will qualify for the MSI 2023 Bracket Stage while the loser will drop into the lower bracket. That qualifying series will take place tomorrow May 3.

As for GAM, this loss places them in the lower bracket of MSI 2023 where their next opponent will be Movistar R7. GAM will look to bounce back from today’s series against GG or they risk going home early at MSI 2023. That match will take place on May 4.

What is the MSI 2023 schedule?

MSI 2023 Play-In Stages are scheduled to take place between. May 2-7. Here, three Play-In teams will join five already qualified teams in the MSI 2023 Bracket Stage. That portion of MSI 2023 will begin May 9, 2023 and come to a conclusion May 21, 2023 with the MSI 2023 Grand Final.

Those interested in tuning into MSI 2023 can check out Riot Games’ live broadcast through their Twitch and YouTube channels.

Additionally, those looking to understand what League of Legends patch teams will be competing on can check out our article on League of Legends Patch 13.8 for the MSI update.