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The 2023 World Championship update has arrived in League of Legends. Patch 13.19 is bringing drastic changes to champions, potentially shaking up the meta just in time for one of the biggest tournaments of the year.

Patch 13.19 includes 13 champion updates in an attempt to give some legends some love at Worlds in October.

Champion Buffs and Nerfs in Patch 13.19

Here are some of the biggest champion updates in Patch 13.19.

Briar received a pretty big nerf this time around. Developers explained: “While Briar on release looked quite weak, her power level has increased as players have learned the in(t)s and outs of her kit and item builds. We're reducing her healing once she gets a few items, especially against jungle monsters, to give opponents a better shot at bringing down a fed Briar.”

In addition, Briar is also getting a Frenzy Bar to make it easier to tell how much time is left to activate Snack Attack.

LoL patch 13.19

Another champion getting nerfed is LeBlanc, who developers described as “frustrating.” The patch has added “meaningful mana constraints” to balance her out. Rek’Sai will also see a nerf this time around since her Stridebreaker buff was a bit too powerful.

“Since nerfing her baseline mana pool and even her late game attack damage is a nerf to her mage power level, we're giving her compensation in the form of some AP ratios,” developers explained. “The change to her attack speed ratio and attack speed growth will result in identical attacks per second for LeBlanc unless she acquires sources of bonus attack speed.”

On the other hand, Gangplank is getting a promising buff. Developers noted that he’s “underperforming” in the top lane. Since his raw damage is already impressive, Riot focused on some of his “niches” instead. His ultimate upgrades and abilities now have more power.

Lee Sin is also getting buffed for Worlds. Developers admitted that there is definitely a meme about Lee Sin getting buffed for Worlds but added that Lee Sin mains “aren’t finding much success in their games at home.” To combat this, Lee Sin is getting a small boost to give him more power in the early game.

When Is Patch 13.19 Go Live?

The Worlds update is going live on Wednesday, September 27. This will allow pros to have two weeks to practice with all the champion changes. Click here for the full patch notes and be sure to check out our guide on the League of Legends World Championship