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5 Beginner Tips For Queen's Blood In FF7:Rebirth

The latest card-based Final Fantasy mini-game is already being lauded as one of the series' best.
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One of the most anticipated games of the decade, Final Fantasy 7: Rebirth is here and one thing it doesn't skimp on is mini-games. One of them, Queen's Blood, continues the series' legacy of addictive in-universe card games. It's a bit more complicated than FFVIII's Triple Triad (lauded as perhaps the best minigame ever) and FFIX's Tetra Master so here's some tips to get you started as you go along. 

The new card game taking FF7 by storm.
A Dominant QB Board
Building your deck
Don't forget to mulligan high cost carts at the start
Start with these tips and claim victory

The new card game taking FF7 by storm.

The new card game taking FF7 by storm.