F1 News: Alex Albon Admits Contract Discussions With Other Teams

Alex Albon has engaged in contract talks with several F1 teams but ultimately chose to stay with Williams.
- Williams Media

Alex Albon has confirmed that before re-signing with Williams, he was in talks with other Formula 1 teams. The decision culminated in a new multi-year agreement with Williams, announced before this weekend's Emilia-Romagna Grand Prix.

The Thai-British driver will be staying at the Grove outfit into the new regulations, and while it's not a complete surprise that he'll be staying under the sensible management of James Vowles, he did explore other opportunities. This came after a week of speculation that he could potentially be eyeing a place in Mercedes with Lewis Hamilton's seat becoming available alongside George Russell. available. While Albon didn't confirm the teams he was in talks with, we can only guess that Mercedes was likely one of them.

"I won't say what teams that I was speaking to, but there were a few,” Albon disclosed, as quoted by Crash.net. “Inevitably, it just fell down to what team do I think suited me best and that was Williams."

This decision wasn't made lightly, particularly given the allure of more established teams possibly having openings.

"So, looking at everything, there was obviously a lot of time to make a choice. It does seem a little bit now like it's all just kind of being a bit of a waiting game and everyone just kind of delaying, delaying and whatnot. So, on my side, it was just about get it done, get it signed and focus more on building the story and focusing on the future for the team.”

Yet, his choice was driven by a desire for continuity and growth in a familiar environment. “There's only really one at Mercedes,” he commented, referring to the limited availability of seats open right now. "No, it's all about the journey,” Albon affirmed.

Amidst structural and strategic transformations at Williams under the leadership of Vowles, the team principal, Albon recognized the potential for significant progression. “I believe in the project. I believe in James and the board," he stated, “I believe my role here with the team is not just being a racing driver. It's much more than that.”

Despite facing challenges such as chassis issues and achieving a best of two 11th place finishes in the current season, Albon’s focus remains steadfast on future improvements rather than dwelling on immediate results.

“He's [Vowles] said it a lot of times, the out-of-date procedures that we're doing or even the software or wherever it may be,” Albon noted,

"I see the steps that the team are taking, and they all seem very logical and they seem to be working already,” Albon concluded, expressing confidence in the trajectory Williams is setting for itself. With these structural adjustments and a clear belief in the collective goal, Albon and Williams appear geared toward crafting a competitive future for the historic team.

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Alex Harrington


Alex is the editor-in-chief of F1 editorial. He fell in love with F1 at the young age of 7 after hearing the scream of naturally aspirated V10s echo through his grandparents' lounge. That year he watched as Michael Schumacher took home his fifth championship win with Ferrari, and has been unable to look away since.