Mario Andretti Surprises Indy 500 Fan In Heartfelt Home Visit But Misses Out

What a moment to miss...
Mario Andretti looks out on the track Friday, May 17, 2024, during Fast Friday ahead of the 108th running of the Indianapolis 500 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway.
Mario Andretti looks out on the track Friday, May 17, 2024, during Fast Friday ahead of the 108th running of the Indianapolis 500 at Indianapolis Motor Speedway. / Gary Mook/For IndyStar / USA TODAY

In a heart-warming series of events that unfolded on Twitter, Pat B, an ardent fan of the Indianapolis 500 and a resident of Speedway, Indiana, expressed her enduring love for the iconic race and its community through a thread of tweets. This narrative took an unexpected turn when racing legend Mario Andretti responded in the most surprising way—by showing up at his doorstep.

Pat B, known on Twitter as @roadmaven, shared his sentiments about the Indy 500, which included memories of neighborhood traditions and the excitement that fills their community during the race season. Confirming that he will be moving away from the track to spend more time with his grandchildren, he reminisced about various local events, from the first camper arriving in his yard to the post-race discussions that captured the essence of the event's communal spirit.

"So much I will miss," he tweeted, reflecting on the neighborhood's vibrant celebrations and the special guests who had visited his home to sign the 'wing and wheel'—a symbol of racing passion proudly displayed outside his house.

In a particularly poignant tweet, Pat reached out to the legendary Mario Andretti, a figure synonymous with motorsport success, inviting him to add his signature to the 'wing and wheel'. He shared a personal anecdote involving a jar of pasta sauce from his family's Italian restaurant, a memento from the days when his relatives followed Andretti during his racing career.

"This is also my final chance to see if @MarioAndretti could stop by and be the final signer of the wing & wheel before I pass it on to my next door neighbors, as it deserves to stay behind in Speedway," Pat wrote. "Mario, if you read this, I’ve got a jar of pasta sauce from my wife’s aunt & uncle’s Italian restaurant in Waterbury, Connecticut who used to follow you to races during the CART days back in the mid 1980’s that I’d love for you to sign as a retirement present for them. They love you like no other!"

In a turn that seems lifted straight from a feel-good movie, Mario Andretti took him up on the invitation. Unfortunately, in a twist of fate, Pat was not home to greet his hero. Andretti’s visit was captured only by their doorbell camera, which recorded the moment he arrived at the empty house.

While the personal meeting didn't happen, the gesture itself speaks volumes about the community, and of course, Mario himself.

"I may be out of Speedway, but Speedway will never be out of me," Pat affirmed, underlining a sentiment many racing fans can relate to. Hopefully he can connect with Mario before he leaves.

Mario Andretti's Current Endeavors

Away from the racetrack, Mario Andretti remains a prominent figure in motorsport, currently embroiled in a significant controversy involving Andretti Global’s bid to join the Formula 1 grid. Recently, at a discreet event during the Miami Grand Prix, Andretti revealed a deep-seated rift with Greg Maffei, CEO of Liberty Media. This confrontation highlighted the challenges faced by Andretti Global in their attempt to enter the world of F1.

In late 2023, the FIA approved Andretti Global’s participation, pending a final approval from Formula One Management (FOM), which was subsequently denied in early 2024. Despite this setback, Andretti Global has pressed forward, opening a new headquarters in Silverstone and hiring former F1 CTO Pat Symonds to bolster their team.

The situation escalated during an interview where Andretti described an unexpected confrontation with Maffei.

“I was asked to go there. And just as I was trying to explain that to Stefano [Domenicali - F1 CEO], Greg Maffei, Mr. Maffei, broke in the conversation and he said: 'Mario, I want to tell you that I will do everything in my power to see that Michael [Andretti] never enters Formula 1.'

“I could not believe that. That one really floored me... We’re talking about business. I didn’t know it was something so personal. That was really — oh, my goodness. I could not believe it. It was just like a bullet through my heart.”

As Andretti Global continues to push for inclusion in Formula 1, Mario Andretti's commitment to the sport is clear. "We’re bringing something of value... It’s a long-term commitment," he stated.

Alex Harrington


Alex is the editor-in-chief of F1 editorial. He fell in love with F1 at the young age of 7 after hearing the scream of naturally aspirated V10s echo through his grandparents' lounge. That year he watched as Michael Schumacher took home his fifth championship win with Ferrari, and has been unable to look away since.